Never Ever

Read Online Never Ever by L.P. Maxa - Free Book Online

Book: Never Ever by L.P. Maxa Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.P. Maxa
Tags: Contemporary Romance,
shorts. When I went back into the living room I cringed, Cole was up on the table and Baily was ‘teaching him how to dougie’. If Livi wasn’t so damn tempting I would get out my phone and video this. I quietly slipped out the back door and went around the side of the house. I tripped twice. Once over a stick and once over what I’m almost positive was a raccoon. I let myself in through the side door and locked it behind me.
    “Oh my gosh, Taylor, are you okay?”
    Eyes closed, I tried to steady my breathing, I had run the whole way. And the raccoon had scared the crap out of me. “Yeah, I’m good. I, uh, tripped.”
    “You have a stick in your hair.”
    I patted my head until I found it and then threw it to the ground. When I opened my eyes, my breathing became erratic for a whole new reason. Livi looked sexy as hell. Her damp hair was piled on top of her head, her face was free of any makeup. And now she was not only wearing my t-shirt, she was wearing her glasses as well. Her lap top was sitting open on her bare legs. I watched as she closed it and sat it on the ground. “Are you just going to stand there and stare all night?”
    I started to stalk towards her. “You’re beautiful.”
    She laughed, “Thank you.” She ran her hands over the tops of her smooth tanned thighs. “Turn on the fan.”
    I knew I was grinning like an idiot, but ‘turn on the fan’ basically meant ‘make me scream’. I flipped on the fan and launched myself onto the bed making her laugh again. Which was becoming one of my favorite sounds in the world. “Ready to fork? So hard?” Her laughter faded away, her face became serious, guarded. I reached over and placed my hand on her hip. “Hey. What’s with the sad face? Tell me what’s running through that head of yours.”
    When she answered me all her words came out in a rush. “I, um, I haven’t been with anyone else since my ex and even then, we hadn’t slept together in a long time. And, I mean, you’re used to 20 year old co-eds and-
    I put my hand over her mouth, “I understand what you are trying to say Livi. I will go as slow as you need me too. I will make sure that every single thing I do brings you pleasure. As far as the other chicks? You are the sexiest most beautiful woman I have ever met. Stop thinking and let go. The only thing that matters right now is this.” I sat up, took her face in my hands and kissed her with everything I had. I tried to show her just how irresistible and desirable she was with that kiss. I leaned back against the head board, pulling her into my lap. Her hot little body was straddling mine, her pussy rubbing on my cock looking for release. When her grinding became too much, felt too good, I flipped us over. I pinned her to the bed with my body. Taking both her small wrists in one hand I pushed them against the mattress. She moaned. I used my other hand to reach between us, rubbing her clit through her lacy thong. “So wet for me, Sugar.” I ran my teeth along her jaw, nibbled on her neck. I was all for taking my time, savoring our first time together. But she had other ideas.
    Livi bit down on my shoulder, sucking lightly. “Tay, please…” She arched into my hand. Begging me for more.
    I sat up and pulled my shirt off her body and then ripped her panties down the side. She moaned and raked her nails down my chest. I trailed two fingers between her breasts, down her stomach and through her folds before dipping them inside her. “Oh God, Sugar, you feel so perfect. Tell me what you want Livi.”
    She answered by pushing my shorts down and freeing my cock. She took it in her hands and began stroking me. A stroke down and twist back up, stroke down and twist back up. I groaned against her neck, pushing her back down on the bed with my body. “Tell me, Livi.”
    She arched up, capturing my mouth with hers. She took my lower lip in her teeth, and then licked the sting away. Laying back against the pillows she looked up at me and

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