National Burden

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Book: National Burden by C. G. Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. G. Cooper
what’s new in Mother Russia, Igor.”
    Igor Bukov, the Russian Ambassador to the United States, refilled his guest’s glass with a vodka he’d said came from the most expensive distillery in his country. The two men had known each other for years, first meeting in the early nineties when Dryburgh had visited Russia on a business trip to seek out new sourcing partners for an American liquor distributor. Back then, Bukov had been CEO of one of Russia’s largest vodka brands, Bukov Vodka, a company founded by his grandfather. The businessmen turned politicians had hit it off instantly.
    “It’s still very cold, my friend.” Bukov spoke with only the minuscule hint of a Russian accent, a testament to his European education.
    Dryburgh pointed to the window. “And you don’t call this cold?”
    “This feels like summer to me, Geoffrey.” Bukov raised his glass in a toast, downing it again.
    “What about the political climate? Any thoughts on our new president?”
    Bukov shrugged, noncommittal. “Not my place to say.”
    “Come on. You’re best friends with the leader of Russia. Don’t give me that crap, Igor.” The jab came with a friendly smile.
    “I would not call what I have with my country’s president a best friendship, more like a healthy working relationship.”
    Bukov was downplaying his role in the Russian government and Dryburgh knew it. The wily Russian, while never having served a day in the Russian government prior to his appointment as ambassador to the U.S., was a seasoned veteran of his nation’s political process. Over more than a few shots of his family’s stock, Bukov had once admitted to a not-quite-so-inebriated Geoffrey Dryburgh that his family had bankrolled numerous politicians over the years. He’d even bragged about having a hand in the current president’s ascendance.
    “Okay, then how might you assume your president feels about our new president?”
    Another shrug, another shot of vodka. “I can only assume that our country’s leaders are still trying to understand President Brandon Zimmer, much as I assume you are? He is still young in your political process, is he not?”
    “He is, but he shows a lot of promise.” Dryburgh decided to press his friend. “Tell me, was the decision to help Crimea cede from Ukraine a test to see what President Zimmer would do?”
    “How could I know? I’m a lowly ambassador, my friend. Besides, to say that we helped that happen…”
    Dryburgh laughed. “Don’t give me that, Igor. You know goddam well what happened. I’ve read the reports. We know how you did it and exactly who helped.”
    “As I said, I have nothing to do with Russian policy. I merely serve at my president’s pleasure. To turn the question back to you, shouldn’t you be the one helping to shape your president’s foreign policy? How did you tell him to handle the Crimea incident?”
    To call it an ‘incident’ was laughable. Russia made a land grab, in front of the entire world, and got away with it.
    “We were still working off the last president’s policy at the time. I’ve told you since his departure that he was not what I would call my perfect partner in the international game.”
    “And yet, President Zimmer did nothing?”
    This time it was Dryburgh who shrugged. “A minor hiccup. We’re putting things in place as we speak.”
    Bukov’s hooded eyes looked up. “Something you would like to share?”
    Dryburgh ignored the question. “What about Kaliningrad?”
    “What about it? Would you like a history lesson?”
    “Kaliningrad, formerly Königsberg. Used to be the most militarized area in the Russian Federation. Once the headquarters of the Baltic Military District, now the home of Russia’s Baltic Fleet and a Special Economic Zone.”
    “Did you memorize that for my benefit? Bravo, Geoffrey. Very good.”
    “No.” Dryburgh took another sip from his drink. “I’ve recently had communications from my counterparts in Lithuania and Poland. They

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