Nancy Clue Mysteries 2 - The Case of the Good-for-Nothing Girlfriend

Read Online Nancy Clue Mysteries 2 - The Case of the Good-for-Nothing Girlfriend by Mabel Maney - Free Book Online

Book: Nancy Clue Mysteries 2 - The Case of the Good-for-Nothing Girlfriend by Mabel Maney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mabel Maney
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clear broth would be easier to digest, and she'd awake refreshed for her next driving shift.
    "But who could sleep with all these beautiful peaks and valleys and ridges and canyons around her?" she thought, as she looked out the large picture window and spied the Rocky Mountains in the distance. It was a clear summer day, the blue sky stretched for miles, and even Nancy looked like she was beginning to perk up. Cherry threw caution to the wind and ordered the yummy liver loaf sandwich, creamed spinach, and an extra side of gravy.
    The girls hungrily devoured their lunch. Cherry noted with approval that Lauren was taking bites of Velma's plate of mixed-vegetable salad. "All my lecturing about the essential food groups is finally beginning to sink in," she smiled to herself. "Now, if I can just do something about her table manners," Cherry thought in alarm as she watched Lauren wipe her mouth on her shirt sleeve.
    "Lauren, that's what your napkin is intended for," Cherry told her nicely, pointing to the red-checkered cloth folded by the side of the girl's plate. "And, please take off your baseball cap when eating indoors. I could see wearing a hat if this were a picnic," she added, so the girl wouldn't think her hopelessly rigid. "You wish to be both pleasing and pleasant to others, don't you?" Cherry asked.
    Lauren just scowled and pretended she hadn't heard.
    "Why don't you take off your cap?" Velma wondered. "You have such pretty hair." Lauren blushed and did as Velma suggested.
    Midge scowled. Cherry beamed.
    "Let's go!" Midge cried suddenly in a testy tone. She gripped the back of Velma's chair. "Let's go, Velma," she said.
    Velma gave Midge an imperious look. "I'm going to fix my lipstick," she said calmly. "Then we'll go." She headed for the ladies' lounge with Lauren hot on her heels. Midge followed them both.
    From the little shriek that came a moment later, Cherry knew that Midge had once again been mistaken for a boy. She saw the grim restaurant manager roughly escort red-faced Midge out to the parking lot.
    Cherry gulped down one last bite of her scrumptious liver loaf. She realized that Nancy had barely touched a bite of her cottage cheese and gelatin salad, although she had managed to finish her cocktail! "Is there something else you'd like?" Cherry quizzed her, determined to get some nourishment in her friend.
    "I'll be right back," Nancy murmured as she grabbed her purse and jumped up from the table. "I'm going to freshen up and then try to reach Bess and George again," she called over her shoulder.
    Cherry stuck some crackers in her purse, hoping she would be able to talk her chum into eating something later. By the time she had paid the bill, tipped the waitress, and purchased a package of chewing gum, she had used up every penny of the pin money she'd squirreled away for small amusements.
    She went out to the parking lot and found Midge, leaning against the trunk of the car smoking a cigarette with a sour expression on her face.
    "How am I going to buy postcards to send to my friends?" Cherry wailed. But Midge didn't seem to hear her.
    "Did you happen to see my girlfriend?" Midge wanted to know.
    Cherry shook her head. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Velma or Lauren since they had disappeared into the ladies' lounge ten minutes ago," she said.
    "What do you think they're doing in there?" Midge wondered softly.
    Cherry shrugged. "Trying out new hairstyles?" she guessed brightly.
    Midge laughed bitterly. "I'll bet that's it," she said. But Cherry didn't think Midge sounded convinced. Cherry wished she knew what was bothering Midge all of a sudden. Oh, they had been through many an adventure together, and a girl couldn't ask for anyone braver or bolder than Midge Fontaine, but Cherry knew that under all that teasing and joking beat a real girl's heart. One that broke easily, Cherry suspected.
    Midge was looking at Cherry queerly, as if she could read her mind. She dug through her pockets and came up with a

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