Naked Desire: Naked Cowboys, Book 5
was doing and I hope you did too. Because it was amazing. Awesome. Beyond description.”
    “Jesse, people will talk. You—”
    “Let ’em. We’ve done nothing wrong.” Anger flashed in his eyes. “We’ve got nothing to hide. Right?”
    “No, but people gossip. I don’t have to point out to you Saddle Wells is a small town, and you have a reputation as a contractor and craftsman. I don’t want this—” she gestured between the two of them, “—us, to affect that.”
    He took such a long time to answer her she was almost afraid of what he would say. The tension vibrated between them, made worse for her by the fact she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his glorious body. Then he took one of her hands and laced his fingers through hers.
    He took her hand, rubbed his thumb lightly over her knuckle. “Do you think I care even a little bit what people think about this? Us? Do you think anything could affect what we have here? What I feel for you?”
    “More than that, do you think I want anything to affect you? ” There was a hint of anger in his voice. “Is that how little you think of me?”
    “No, I—” This was not at all going the way she expected.
    “Don’t you think I’m smart enough to have given this some thought? Waited for the right opportunity so you didn’t think I was pouncing on you? Jesus, Cyn.” A frown of irritation creased his forehead and a tiny muscle twitched in his jaw.
    Cyn swallowed, hard. She had not meant to make him angry, only to make him see the reality of their situation. At least as she viewed it. Despite the naked desire that had sizzled between them since day one, it had never occurred to her that Jesse might actually want her. Lust for her. Feel the same things she did.
    She was dizzy with the reality of what he said.
    “You are an amazing, sexy, desirable woman and I am honored that we finally have something going between us. Can you get your head around that?”
    “Oh. I—” She wet her lips. There had never been a man in her life who said that to her or made her feel the way Jesse Orosco did. It made her giddy…and even a little bit afraid. “I’ll try.”
    “Fine. So here’s the thing. I’ll make a deal with you.” A tiny grin curved his lips. “You okay with making deals, Cyn?”
    Was she? This was a new start for her and she didn’t want to screw it up. But Jesse was so amazing, so—she realized now the difference between having sex and making love.
    She nodded.
    “Okay then. I am not giving you up. Not for a minute. But we’ll keep this under wraps until you get the store going and feel more comfortable with our situation. It will be our private thing until then.” He burrowed his fingers in her hair. “I can’t say I’m happy about it. But I want you, Cyn. I’ll take you any way I can get you. So all right. We’ll keep it between us. For now.”
    Cyn didn’t realize she’d been holding her breath until it whooshed out of her. She threw herself at Jesse and hugged him.
    “Thank you, Jesse. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
    His arms came around her and pulled her against his naked body. Idly, she traced the very sexy tattoo on his shoulder with the tips of her fingers.
    He’s mine. And he wants me. Oh, please don’t let this be a mistake.

Chapter Five
    “Damn, that smells good.” Jesse walked into the back room and sniffed the air. “I’d better get the first taste of whatever it is.”
    Cyn lifted the pan from the oven and set it on top of the stove.
    “Riblets,” she told him. “Seasoned with the rub.”
    He reached toward the pan to pluck one out but she slapped at his hand.
    “Hold it. At least let me put it on a paper plate for you and get you a napkin.” She opened the door of the minifridge he’d taken her to pick up the night before. “And a cold drink.” She took out a bottle of water.
    He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him. “Can I put you on a plate too? And take a drink of

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