mission completion.”
“Are you sure you don’t need any help or back up from us, N?” Scott asked. We could leave you a fireteam, if nothing else.”
“No, thanks, but I don’t think so. There’s only a hundred of them.”
“Only a hundred, eh?”
“Funny, Scott. Just do me a favor and don’t let our people waste this cloneship until I’ve signaled that myself and the other prisoners are all-out. Luck to you all. Fight well, 36.”
“Affirmative, sir. You do the same. Squad 2, over and out.”
Om, I need you and our fixers to cut and bypass any alarms and keep us sealed up in this little Ejjai playroom for the next hour or so. These bitches want to be alone with their meat? Let’s keep it that way. Oh, and jam all of the coms and links, while we’re at it. Two can play at that game.
Fixers on it, N. Nothing will get in or out until you give the word.
Thanks, Om. Watch our six.
As always.
The Ejjai leadership were pickier about their meat that the rest of their kind. They began washing the captives and carefully stripping them of their clothing, careful not to bruise or damage their prizes.
But very soon…things would take a turn for the worse for the captives, and get extremely messy soon enough.
Naero focused her abilities and prepared herself.
She set up a company-level shield pod near the holding pen where the invaders were herding in all of the clean meat. The victims shivered, wet and cold and afraid.
As soon as the last selected captives were tossed in, Naero had a fixer flip the switch on the shield pod.
Now the captives were all as safe as she could make them for the next several minutes.
Shetanna could go to work.
At first she remained cloaked and shot many of the Ejjai on the perimeter with stun needles from her needle rifle. She could have chosen explosive needles, but she had time to kill…literally.
The Ejjai flipped out, firing weapons in all directions, killing and wounding each other.
Then her mines and microbombs went off.
When she had whittled them down to about thirty or so, she made herself visible to them and their leadership, twin red katanas blazing and crackling in her hands.
The invaders snarled and roared, going on the attack.
A few tried to call for help. Naero cut them down first.
Some others tried to attack and kill the shielded captives.
Shetanna struck them down next.
Next she flashed among the remaining Ejjai with Mystic-trained speed and strength. Pieces of Ejjai flew in several directions, their screams echoing in the air and filling the isolated chamber.
The leaders held out among a final pocket of a handful of troops, weapons blazing.
Shetanna set her personal shield full front and strode toward the band deliberately, ignoring their fire. She stalked them slowly, eyes set.
She walked in among them and killed them all, one by one.
She saved the leaders for last.
By then they were reduced to cowardly gibbering and balling up in terror in their own wastes, as Shettanna slowly carved off their heads with her glowing blades.
All the terror the Ejjai instilled in their poor, helpless victims. And yet, when put to it themselves, they were all nothing but gutless cowards at heart.
Naero took the time to free and see to the Ramoran and Besh captives, allowing them to reclaim their clothes and gather up weapons, if they so wished.
While they put themselves together and made ready to depart, Naero made sure of any foes who were only stunned.
Some of the captives began shooting any Ejjai who twitched and still moved. Some just liked shooting up their captors.
Other than being traumatized by their entire ordeal, most of the captives seemed all right. Two of them were actually experienced transport pilots.
That would come in handy.
As Naero guessed, the leadership had an escape transport at hand. That included room for at least a hundred persons. She put the captives in and sealed it up, giving them orders to fly out after the Marine attack started
Giles Tippette
Donna Ansari
Nick Mariano
Zara Steen
Sarah O'Rourke
S.K. Benton
Les Standiford
Regan Black
Jay Lake
Various Authors