Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1)

Read Online Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1) by Tanya Simon - Free Book Online

Book: Mystery's Choice (Vengeance Of The Fallen Book 1) by Tanya Simon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tanya Simon
Raevanne moaned and her head rolled back. Cain released her breasts and stepped away, laughing.
    “We’ll finish what we began when Father’s gift is ours.”
    He shook his head as he dragged a still dazed Raevanne down the hall. He shoved her towards their chamber so she could dress.
    “I’ll meet you at the truck in 15 minutes.”
    “I’ll be there.” Raevanne sashayed down the hall, her earlier fear forgotten.
    David Williams sighed as he stepped out into the crisp night air, it had been a very long week and he was exhausted. He flipped open his cell phone and said, “Home.”
    “Williams’s residence.” His wife’s soft voice answered.
    “Sarah, it’s me. I’m on my way home.”
    “Hurry home, we have to talk.” She paused, “I told you it would ruin our lives when you brought someone else's child into our home.”
    “Sarah I don’t want to get into this right now.”  David said as he climbed into his car.
    “The girl’s parents have found her and they want her back. Whoever called said something about her being in danger.”  Sarah said dispassionately.
    “Did you warn Mystery?”
    “No. They are her parents, why would they hurt her?”
    “Bye Sarah.” David said as he pulled out into the light traffic.
    David hurriedly dialed Mystery’s number. It just rang and eventually the machine picked up. He switched lanes, heading north on Colorado Boulevard. He would just go to Boulder and talk to his baby in person. After all, what he had to tell her was not something for the phone. This was going to crush her.
    As he got on the highway, he thought about Sarah’s response to Mystery being in danger. She had never even tried to love Mystery. He had thought saving the girl and giving Sarah a child would provide him with the perfect family. He couldn’t have been more wrong; Sarah had resented someone else’s child being in her home and had never believed she was not a hidden mistress’. Mystery had always sensed her mother didn’t love her and had stopped trying to gain her approval. Now, they only talked when necessary and his marriage was dead. When he stopped and thought about his choice, which he had several times over the last 17 years, he knew he could have not lived with the guilt had he made any other choice?
    David had dabbled in the occult as a teenager and college student, he knew the signs and symbols. Seeing the symbol outside the bar had made him curious. So, he had snuck in and had been horrified to realize there were children inside. David had watched in horror as the children had said prayers to Satan right along with the adults. He had noticed the angelic child, who seemed to so enchant the children gathered around her and he had fallen in love. He waited for the adults to be preoccupied and he had grabbed the girl and ran, holding his hand over her mouth. When he stopped to see if he was being followed, he realized the girl had fainted as he ran.
    David had searched his memory for the words for a hiding spell and said them, smiling as he felt the energy build and the world outside the protective bubble blur. The little girl had woken up and simply stared at him, when she decided he was no threat, she had gone to sleep. Men had come looking but they could not see or hear him. When the street had cleared, he had disillusioned himself and the child and gone back to his hotel. He checked out that night and caught a flight back home. As soon as he got there, David had placed a protective spell around the house and the child, so the cult could not locate her. It wasn’t long before the child had become his world and vice versa. He would not let them harm her or take her from him.
    David’s gaze jerked up to his rearview mirror as headlights glared from behind him. He noticed a van tailgating him. He switched lanes to get away from the van, but the driver followed, getting closer to his bumper.

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