Mystery of the Ivory Charm
door behind him closed.
    “Are lessons over so soon?” Nancy inquired.
    “Yes, it did not take me long to hear them. Rishi is a brilliant student.”
    “I’m delighted to hear that, Dr. Stackpole,” Nancy replied.
    “Rishi’s mind never ceases to amaze me,” the professor said. “His knowledge of the history of India is astounding, and he seems to be well versed in the traditions of various maharajas of India.”
    “I’ve often wondered if perhaps Rishi doesn’t come from such a family himself,” Nancy interposed quickly.
    She half expected Professor Stackpole to laugh at the suggestion, but instead he regarded her soberly.
    “That possibility has occurred to me also. Do you know anything about his parents or his life in India?”
    Nancy described her first meeting with Rai and Rishi, adding a little of the evidence she had gleaned from Mrs. Allison. As she mentioned the Sanskrit poetry and the name of lama Togara, Professor Stackpole’s interest increased.
    “lama Togara is the governor of a small but wealthy province of India,” he explained. “As I recall, the man ascended to power under rather peculiar circumstances, but the details have slipped my mind. If you wish, I’ll look up the data for you.”
    “I’d appreciate it, Dr. Stackpole.”
    The tutor left. Before he was out of sight, the front door opened and his pupil emerged. The boy intently gazed at Nancy.
    “Rishi have sudden premonition!”
    “Did you learn that big word in your English lesson today?” Nancy teased.
    Rishi appeared not to hear her. “I have strange premonition,” he repeated. “Strange vision. Rishi see himself on way to India to become a great man. Big honor come through help of Nancy Drew!”
    Nancy listened closely to hear more, but the Indian boy’s reverie was interrupted by Hannah Gruen. Rishi immediately turned and went back into the house, without saying another word. Nancy whispered what the boy had been saying.
    The housekeeper’s only comment was, “Poor child! He dreams too much.”
    Nancy worked in the garden until her father came home. Making certain that Rishi was not within hearing, she told Mr. Drew about the Bengleton Wild-Animal Show at Hanover.
    “If I can get away from the office, I’ll run over with you,” he promised.
    “And perhaps you’d like to visit the abandoned Allison house?” Nancy asked, hoping he would. “It’s on the way.”
    “All right,” the lawyer agreed. “You’ve told me so many wild tales about the place, I admit I’ve grown curious.”
    Nancy was awake early the next morning. She helped Hannah prepare breakfast. Then, while waiting for her father to come downstairs, she unfolded the morning newspaper. Casually her eye scanned the headlines. Suddenly she uttered a startled exclamation that reached the far corners of the house.
    “Dad! Hannah! Rishi!” she called. “Come and read this!”

Boxes of Treasure
    “WHAT is it?” Mrs. Gruen asked, hurrying from the kitchen.
    “Look at this paper!” Nancy cried, thrusting it into the housekeeper’s hand. “The story about the fire.”
    By this time Carson Drew had come downstairs. “What’s this about a fire?”
    “Oh, Dad, Mrs. Allison’s house burned down last night!”
    “And a good thing in my opinion,” Mrs. Gruen declared firmly, offering the newspaper to the lawyer. “That place was full of danger.”
    “Speaking of fires, I think I smell something burning now,” Mr. Drew said, sniffing the air.
    “Oh, my! The bacon!” Mrs. Gruen turned and fled to the kitchen.
    Carson Drew quickly scanned the newspaper account. According to the story, the blaze had started during the night and was of unknown origin. A passing motorist had called the fire department, but before the firemen could reach the scene the building had been destroyed.
    “It’s too bad Jasper Batt didn’t discover the fire in time to save the house,” Nancy commented.
    “From what you’ve told me of him, Nancy, he couldn’t have

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