Mykonos After Midnight

Read Online Mykonos After Midnight by Jeffrey Siger - Free Book Online

Book: Mykonos After Midnight by Jeffrey Siger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeffrey Siger
Tags: Literature & Fiction, Mystery, Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, Police Procedurals
just below his navel before sliding down to grip his testicles gently with her fingers and wrap her thumb around the base of his penis. She drew her fingers up and around to join her thumb and began firmly pulling up and down.
    Ten seconds later she stopped, dropping her hand as she did. “Am I doing something wrong? Do you want me to go down on you?”
    Andreas stretched toward his nightstand and turned on the lamp.
    “Sorry. It has nothing to do with you. I just spent the afternoon and most of the night looking at some of the kinkiest pornographic videos you could imagine.”
    “Are you telling me you spent all day surrounded by sex so you’d prefer not to get into it at home? When we agreed you should ‘leave your work at the office,’ that’s not the part I meant.”
    “Trust me, if you saw what I saw you’d be off sex for a week. I’m just screwed up in the head tonight. But…”
    Andreas rolled onto his side and slid his hand down under the sheet to between Lila’s thighs. She squirmed for an instant, but relaxed as his fingers began moving in rhythm to her breathing. He knew where she liked to be touched. Andreas kissed first one, then the other breast, taking care to flick at her nipples with his tongue, all in time with the stroking of his fingers and Lila’s moans. He slid his mouth down along her belly, and when he sensed she could stand no more his lips replaced his fingers between her thighs. She jerked at the sudden shift in pressure, but moaned again and again as he brought her to orgasm.
    A minute passed. Andreas had not moved from between Lila’s legs or stopped his caressing.
    “How do you always know just what to do to me?”
    Andreas slid up onto Lila’s body and kissed her on the lips. “I can ask you the same question.” He spread her legs with his knee and searched between them with his erection until he found where his mouth had just been. He moved his hips to enter her and she pushed hers up to take him. He moved slowly at first, but Lila put her hands upon the cheeks of his ass and pulled at him to move faster. He wrapped an arm around her back, and with his other hand squeezed her ass and pulled her up toward him.
    Andreas thrust in pace with Lila’s hands upon at his ass, and when she slid her hands down onto her own thighs, pulling them wider apart while urging him to drive harder and faster, he did until burying his face in her hair and moaning her name in his own release of rushing heat.
    Neither moved for several minutes.
    “Your account is now current.”
    Andreas’ head lay buried in her hair. “Trust me, I’m laughing on the inside. There’s just no energy left to show emotion on the outside.”
    Andreas pressed his hand on the mattress and rolled over onto his back. “Thank you for making me forget my day at the office.”
    “Any time.” Lila patted his belly. “So what’s with all the porn?”
    Andreas had long ago given up keeping secrets from his wife. Initially he’d refused to talk about his cases, arguing that a decision to involve her in one almost cost Lila her life. But with the birth of their son it was clear Lila had no interest in putting both of Tassaki’s parents at risk to bad guys.
    And so he told her of his night watching decades of Athens’ most prestigious and influential folks dangle their peccadilloes and other things in every which way and place imaginable.
    “Sounds like stuff for an avant garde film festival,” said Lila.
    “More like outtakes from that American horror picture, Night of the Living Dead .”
    Lila laughed. “Did you find anything that might help you solve Christos’ murder?”
    “Anyone who knew what Christos had on them would qualify as a suspect. But there was nothing in the videos or on anything else in the safe that made one any more suspect than any other.
    “We’ve got an open and shut case of murder against the now dead girlfriend and her two companions. What we don’t know is whether anyone else was

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