My Seductive Innocent
and he’ll be honor bound once he sees how they’re gonna treat ye.”
    She glanced at Nathan―pale, glistening, and bleeding―and she shoved past Frank, angry she’d gotten caught up arguing with him when she should have been tending to Nathan. When Frank grabbed her arm, she wiggled out of his hold and glared at him. “No one will be marrying His Grace if he’s dead,” she snapped, grabbing the rag off the floor and pressing it against Nathan’s shoulder.
    The instant she did, his eyes shot open and seemed to look through her. She bent down and brushed a soothing hand through his damp hair. “Shh, Your Grace. The physician will be here very soon and you’ll be just like new.”
    When his eyes fluttered closed again, she stood up, careful to keep the rag in place and her back to Frank.
    “Yer an ingrate, just like Mrs. Dalton said. And ye look like a boy.”
    Fury choked her, which was a blessed thing.
    “I’m going,” Frank snarled and left, but seconds later the door banged open again and she whirled around to see the physician striding into the room.
    He brushed past her with a nod and approached the bed. “By God, it really is the Duke of Scarsdale!”
    His voice held an awe that surprised Sophia, mostly because she was not sure how the physician would know Nathan. “How do you know him?” she asked bluntly while peering down at the top of Dr. Porter’s silver head. He was already leaning over Nathan.
    The physician tapped on her hand. “Move the rag, please.”
    She immediately did as he bid. “Is he going to die?”
    “Not on my watch,” Dr. Porter said in a grave tone. “This man saved my daughter’s virtue when she had her debut in London last year.” The physician straightened, opened his bag, and extracted a small bottle before handing it to her. “You can assist me,” he said as he unscrewed the cap off the bottle. The sweet stench of laudanum tickled her nose.
    Assist him? She couldn’t assist him! She needed to take Harry and leave this instant. Her plan to flee to London had to commence today, with or without all the money she needed. She refused to sit idly by and let Frank use her, or worse yet, sell Harry.
    “I cannot assist you,” she murmured.
    The physician gave her a narrow-eyed look as he lifted Nathan’s head and leaned down to whisper something in Nathan’s ear. After a moment, Nathan slowly shook his head and mouthed the word no .
    Dr. Porter sighed. “He’s refused the laudanum, the stubborn fool. Will you hold his hand when I retrieve the bullet? It may help to ease his fear to know he is not alone.”
    Had Dr. Porter not heard her? “Dr. Porter, I―”
    “Do you want him to die?” the man demanded, cutting her off.
    She shook her head.
    “Then I need you to stay and help me.”
    She nibbled on her lip as she weighed her options. If she fled now and Nathan died she would not be able to forgive herself. Heaving a weary sigh, she set the bag on the table where the physician indicated, then moved to Nathan’s side. She twined her fingers with his. When he gently squeezed her hand, she blinked in surprise. She returned the gesture and rubbed her thumb in little circles over his skin as the physician started to work.
    Nathan grimaced within moments of Dr. Porter beginning, and his eyes opened several times, but he stared blindly past her as before. Eventually, his hand went slack in hers, and she knew he had blessedly passed out. “He’s out, Dr. Porter.”
    The physician nodded. “I hoped it would not take him long. He’s lost a good bit of blood so he’s weak.”
    Her stomach clenched. “Weak as in he’s in a grave amount of danger?”
    “It’s too early to tell,” he replied without looking up from what he was doing. After a moment, he stood and held out a small, shiny object clasped between the pointy ends of his instrument. He grinned at her. “I go it! If we keep His Grace’s wound clean and work to control his fever, he should recover nicely. Do

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