My Rock #2 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #2)

Read Online My Rock #2 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #2) by Alycia Taylor - Free Book Online

Book: My Rock #2 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #2) by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
Elly looked up and I saw a flicker of panic cross her face. She
turned around the other way and suddenly had a lot to say to and older guy in a
suit. What the fuck? I didn’t want to look like a complete idiot so I kept on
in the same direction, stopping at the food table and making myself a little
appetizer plate.
    “Hi Tristan.” I looked up and saw Elly’s friend, or
co-worker, or whatever she was. I can’t ever remember her name.
    “Hey, what’s up?”
    “I just wanted to congratulate you and say that your
last song the other night was amazing.”
    “Thanks,” I told her. I looked up and saw Elly
watching us and said, “Too bad everyone doesn’t feel that way.”
    “I think most of us do,” she said, looking in Elly’s
direction. “Some of us just can’t put it in worlds. All that matters are the
millions of votes you got, right?”
    She was right, that was all that really mattered.
“Damn straight,” I told her.   I looked
back over at Elly and realized that for a woman who seemed to be trying to
avoid me, she sure looked at me an awful lot. Molly wandered away then and I
was forced to talk to a few of the other contestants and a couple of musicians.
I spotted Elly again, this time she was sitting alone at a table. I started
towards her and she saw me again and got up. What the hell was her problem? She
started towards the back of the hall and I followed her. She turned the corner
and darted into the ladies room.
    I pushed open the door and followed her in. I was
happy to see there was a padlock on the door. I flipped it over and looked back
at her.
    She was looking indignantly at me and she said, “No
way, I’m not having sex with you in here.”
    I laughed, “You think I followed you in here for a
    “Well, that’s what happened the first time we met.”
    I took a step forward and she took one back. She
acted like she was afraid of me almost and I didn’t understand it. I’d never
hurt her.
    “I didn’t follow you in here for sex. I just want to
talk. Elly, why are you avoiding me?”
    “I’m not avoiding you,” she said.
    “Okay then why the fuck are you flat out ignoring
    “I’m not,” she said. “I told you, we just can’t be
seen together.”
    “Why? I see you talking to the other contestants
here. Why the fuck am I any different?”
    “Because what, Elly?”
    “Because if anyone finds out that we’re having sex
we could both be in a lot of trouble.” I don’t think she meant to blurt it out
like that. She put her hand over her mouth and then looked underneath the two
stalls, checking for feet.
    “Why? What kind of trouble?” I asked her.
    “Tristan, there are rules that say no one who works
on this show can date or sleep with the contestants. They lay those rules out
for us very clearly at the beginning of all of this. We even had to sign a copy
of them so they know we fully understand. There’s no gray area there…If they
catch us….I can lose my job and you will get disqualified. I don’t want to be
responsible for that.”
    “Let them kick me off. After the way I blew it away
last week my agent’s phone has been ringing off the hook. Fuck ‘em.” I hadn’t
really heard from Mitch but I had done show business long enough to know that
if his phone hadn’t started ringing with offers for me yet, it would soon.
    “Okay, maybe you don’t care, but I do,” she said.
“This internship is really important to me. It’s important to my career…I need
this. I can’t afford to get fired. All of the producers are here tonight, even
the big wigs. I can talk to the other contestants and not feel nervous about it
because I haven’t slept with any of them. I’m looking at a promotion if I don’t
screw this internship up.”
    “Good to know you’re only avoiding me because of the
sex. Since you’ve already got it down pat, it shouldn’t be a problem to just
keep sneaking around, right?” I told her with a grin as I took

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