My Love - Bobby & Sophie: A Crossroads Novella

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Book: My Love - Bobby & Sophie: A Crossroads Novella by Melanie Shawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Shawn
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
lightly brushing over her clit. Not spending the time or giving her tightened nub the attention it was screaming for, Bobby instead ran his fingers up and down her moistened folds.
    As he did, her arousal began building with a steady thrum. Each pass of his fingers caused a snowball effect of desire and need to roll through her, getting larger and larger as it gained momentum down seduction slope. It didn’t matter that she’d just found release moments ago. Her body was alive at her husband’s touch. She felt her hips rocking of their own accord, seeking and searching for the pleasure she knew he could give her with just a flick of his finger.
    Never one to let Sophie speed up the pace, Bobby continued his measured strokes. Yes, she was aware that he absolutely knew what he was doing. Yes, she trusted him with her body one hundred percent. Yes, she could admit that, most of the time, the foreplay he subjected her to did increase each and every experience they had. Still, none of those things changed the frustration she felt due to the fact that Bobby wouldn’t put her out of her sexual misery.
    Opening her heavy-lidded eyes, Sophie glanced down first at the large hand positioned between her legs. Damn . Seeing that thick, tan wrist nestled between her creamy thighs sent lust spinning through her like cotton candy being made in a cotton candy machine; not to mention the sensations that were spreading through her from his stimulating massage. Her sex pulsed with acute arousal.
    Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she lifted her head and her eyes shifted to Bobby. He was studiously watching the traffic in front of him. His SUV had limo tint on the windows, which was probably why he’d initiated this on-the-go sexy time in the first place. There was no way he would have started this if there were even a chance that another driver would be able to get a hint of the debauchery happening. But even if one of them happened to have night vision goggles, allowing them to see through the darkened glass, all they would see on Bobby’s side is a man driving. Shoulders squared, jaw set, attention laser focused ahead of him.
    Now, if they could see her… that was a whole different story. Sophie didn’t need to drop the visor down and look in the vanity mirror to know that what was happening was written loud and clear, blinking in neon, across her face.
    When she and Bobby had first gotten together, she’d actually been self-conscious for about a millisecond because her emotions were broadcasted in high definition and his were concealed like they were in witness protection. But her short-lived embarrassment had come to an abrupt end the first time Bobby had voiced how hot it made him to watch her face while she lost herself in the unprecedented heights of ecstasy only he had ever brought her to.
    Which was exactly where she knew this interlude was heading. Just as her patience for his teasing touch was about to boil over her passivity pot, he switched up his technique. She was now bubbling up in an entirely different heat altogether.
    Her lips opened on a silent gasp as she felt not one, but two, of Bobby’s broad fingers slide into her entrance with just enough force to sting even as the pleasure of his movement sent shockwaves of bliss exploding through her. Before she had a chance to catch her breath, he began working his substantial fingers in and out of her snug canal. With each stroke, he spread his fingers apart then brought them back together in an erotic dance, stretching her inner walls with increasing pressure then releasing them just as they tightly clamped around his digits.
    The pounding of her heart against her chest was in perfect sync with the rhythm of Bobby’s fingers as he penetrated her. Like a perfectly choreographed dance, when his pace sped up, her heart rate increased. Every single nerve ending in her body was electrified with arousal at the tantalizing push-and-pull of his fingers impaling her.

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