My Heart Laid Bear (Blue Moon Junction)

Read Online My Heart Laid Bear (Blue Moon Junction) by Georgette St. Clair - Free Book Online

Book: My Heart Laid Bear (Blue Moon Junction) by Georgette St. Clair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette St. Clair
sneakers. “Your shoes are falling apart. Get some new shoes,” Clover insisted.
                  Sapphire had showed up at the boarding house that morning, waving a sheaf of bills at them, and she’d insisted that Clover use it to buy some new clothes for the kids. Apparently her new waitressing job was paying quite well. She’d taken Autumn aside and tried to hand her a pair of earrings; their parents had tracked Sapphire down too.  They’d had a brief, heated argument and Autumn had turned and stomped off.
                  “I’m not using Sapphire’s money. I’m waiting until I have enough money from doing chores at the farm.” Autumn’s tone was firm.
                  “So now you’re mad at Sapphire too?” Clover said, exasperated. “What has she done to get on your bad side?”
                  Autumn shrugged. “Imogen paid me. I’m going to go buy a cup of coffee,” she said. “Do you want anything?”
                  Before Clover could answer, she realized that people were staring out the store’s big picture window into the street behind her, and murmuring and pointing.
                  She spun around. Sam was marching towards the store…carrying a twisted, battered car door.
                  “Stay here,” she said to Autumn, and rushed outside.
                  “Oh, good. I’ve been looking all over for you,” Sam said cheerfully. “Getting some funny looks. Can’t a man take his car door for a walk without being treated like a freak?” He set the car door down on the sidewalk.
                  “What are you doing?” Clover looked at the car door and back at Sam.
                  “I am bringing you evidence,” he said. “I  was bearnapped yesterday. I apologize for Marjorie taking off and leaving you there. I was shouting at her to stop and she ignored me. She’d driven all the way off the property, yelling at me that she was going to get our family banned from the Jamboree forever if I didn’t fire you, before I finally shifted and punched a hole in the roof of their car. Then when she pulled over, I climbed over her daughter and ripped the door off of their car and climbed out. I’m pretty sure that she won’t try to fix me up with any of her family members again.” He looked genuinely delighted at that.
                  He held up the tattered metal door. “So there you go. My apology present. I ran all the way back to your office yesterday, carrying the car door, but you were already gone by the time I got there.”
                  “Huh.” She stared at the car door, shaking her head. “Well, as apology presents go, it’s pretty…uh…”
                  “Terrible?” Sam asked. She nodded.
    “Terrible, but unique. But mostly terrible,” she added hastily, because he was still a total bastard.
                  He turned and tossed the car door back into the bed of his pickup truck, where it landed with a resounding clang.
                  “Are you really getting kicked out of the Jamboree?” she asked.
                  “Hope so. I personally hate it. Marjorie is apparently now lobbying to the committee to get us kicked out.” He shrugged indifferently.
                  Autumn walked up. Of course she’d ignored Clover’s orders to stay in the store. “So I’m guessing that he’s the hottie you were going to murder the other day and then he gave you a job because he totally wants you?” Autumn asked. She surveyed him with a critical eye. “Well, you do have acceptable taste.”
                  Clover felt her face instantly flame crimson.
                  “Autumn, I thought you were going to go buy some coffee,” she said, smiling through gritted teeth.
                  Autumn flashed her an innocent look. “Coffee? At

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