Murder of a Wedding Belle

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Book: Murder of a Wedding Belle by Denise Swanson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Denise Swanson
“Give me that.”
    Charlie clutched the black plastic device to his chest. “No one touches my remote but me.”
    Anita stared at him for another second, then strode over to the TV, tore the electrical cord out of the back of the set, and returned to her seat, stating, “Unlike men, women don’t need to hold the remote control, because we have real control.”
    Muttering angrily, Charlie lumbered to his feet and slammed out of the office.
    Once he was gone, Dora said to Skye, “Please put on Riley’s wedding for her.” Moisture gathered at the corners of her faded blue eyes. “This may be my last chance to see my only granddaughter married.” Her voice broke. “And I’m not sure your grandma can wait either.”
    As Skye hesitated, the office door opened and Wally signaled for her to join him outside. She nodded and said, “I’ll be right back.”
    Wally took her hand. “We found the twins.”
    “Where?” Skye felt her heart in her throat. “Are they okay?”
    “They’re fine. They decided last night that they couldn’t stay at the motor court. It was, and I quote, ‘too icky.‘” Wally shook his head. “So, after the Hathaways dropped them off here, they borrowed the Hathaways’ rental car and drove into the city. They’re staying at the Ritz with their father, grandparents, and six-year-old uncle.”
    “How did you find out?”
    “When I called the groom to tell him his kids were missing, he told me.”
    “Well, at least that’s one problem solved.” Skye scrunched up her face. “But you’ll never guess what Riley just said.”
    “She wants you to take over for the dead wedding planner.”
    “How did you know that?” Skye demanded.
    “Elementary, my dear Watson. Riley’s a spoiled princess who wouldn’t dream of letting the death of one of her serfs interfere with her plans.” Wally smirked. “And as my grandpa used to say, scratch a dog once and you’ve found yourself a permanent job.”
    “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “It means she thinks you’re a pushover.”
    “Is that what you think too?” Skye glared at him. “Because you’re both so wrong. No way am I trying to put on a million-dollar wedding.”
    “Really?” Wally raised her hand to his lips. “Even for me?” He kissed the inside of her wrist. “I need to keep everyone together until we figure out what happened to Belle. If Riley postpones the wedding, all the participants will scatter. I can’t order them to stay put. I have no evidence against any of them, and their lawyers would be all over me.”
    “Crap!” Skye paused to gather her thoughts. “Do you know what you’re asking me to do? This event is so over the top, I have no idea how to coordinate it.”
    “I’m sure Belle had notes you can use.”
    Skye nodded slowly, remembering the huge three-ring binder that Belle had referred to as her bible.
    “I bet Jordan would shell out for an assistant or two for you.” Wally kissed her palm. “And I bet he’d pay you your weight in gold to do it.”
    “Are you implying I weigh a lot?” Skye teased.
    “Never. You know I like you fluffy.” Wally released her hand and cupped the back of her head. “I’m just saying a fool and his money can throw a heck of a party.”
    After a thoroughly satisfying kiss, Skye stepped out of his arms and said over her shoulder as she went back into the office, “You owe me big-time for this.”
    “With all my worldly goods, I thee endow.”
    The sincerity in Wally’s voice brought tears to Skye’s eyes, and she was still wiping them away when she stepped inside.
    Riley rushed over to Skye. “Has something else happened? One more thing and I’ll kill myself.”
    “Nothing bad has happened.” Skye resolved to treat her cousin as she would a high-strung kindergartner—with a soothing but firm hand. “You need to pull yourself together if you want me to take over as your wedding coordinator.”
    “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Riley squealed and

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