Murder Makes an Entree

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Book: Murder Makes an Entree by Amy Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Myers
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sigh of appreciation, and animation grew. At Margate, the first general exodus from
     the train took place, while those remaining silently congratulated themselves on their wisdom or affluence in continuing to
     Broadstairs or Ramsgate. Spirits rose higher still as the train chugged steadily on to Broadstairs, a glimpse of blue-grey
     sea and white-tippedwaves drawing exclamations, with the added excitement of steamers and pleasure boats gracing the scene.
    At Broadstairs railway station the group’s descent was far less decorous than their ascent at Victoria. Even Heinrich was
     seen to set his Homburg at a definitely more jaunty angle before positively hurrying to the barrier, the more quickly to enjoy
     the delights of the English seaside.
    Outside the railway station a line of flymen waited, less vociferous than at Margate or Ramsgate where landladies paid them
     to attract custom, but avaricious for custom for their ancient landaus and victorias.
    As their two landaus set off for Chandos Place on the seafront where their rented house awaited them, James glowered at the
     sight of Alice still nestling by Alfred’s side. He set Alice down as an unworthy mate for his aristocratic lordship, but feared
     his lordship’s susceptible nature. However, he had a suspicion that Alfred was keeping something from him; that there was
     some other lady in his life. James had no objection to that, provided she were worthy of his hero. He only hoped that she
     was reciprocating his advances. Alice’s hand had rested for some considerable time in his lordship’s which was not a good
    Alice knew quite well what James was thinking and that he disliked her. This puzzled her, for she was not conscious of doing
     anything wrong. True, she had occasionally accompanied James to Hampstead Heath on a Sunday afternoon, and eventually had
     been obliged to point out that her future plans did not include him. She brooded about this. She loved Alfred now, had every
     intention of becoming Lady Wittisham and objected to her courting being carried out in a threesome. It was not as if she were
     pushing herself on Alfred. She was just there when he noticed her. Unfortunately so was James Pegg.
    Alfred mused happily, jogging along in the sunshine of the seaside. Perhaps in the mellowness of the Broadstairsair, Sir Thomas would change his mind. People did while they were on holiday. Sir Thomas would be here for a whole week. True,
     Beatrice would not be present, but perhaps that was for the good. He could concentrate on winning over Sir Thomas. If only
     girls didn’t have fathers, he thought idly, what a jolly world it would be. Just what would he do if Sir Thomas failed to
     change his mind? He remembered uneasily what had last passed between them.
    Heinrich was looking forward to the holiday. His Imperial Majesty the Kaiser Wilhelm II would be at Cowes. He might even get
     an opportunity himself to visit the island of Wight. He discarded the plan. He could not relax, for these were dangerous times.
     Much depended on how well His Majesty did at Cowes with his yacht
. If well, all would be well. But if badly, it boded ill for everyone, especially for the Embassy. A cloud obscured his summer
     sky, but cleared quickly away as he thought of the German band that would be performing on the sands. At least he would enjoy
     part of this holiday. He was aware suddenly of Emily Dawson sitting by his side.
    Emily’s hands were clasped neatly in her lap. She was suppressing a certain excitement at coming to the seaside. If only .
     . . It was a long time ago, surely he wouldn’t recognise her?
    Algernon, too, was eager and ready for the seaside adventure, as yet with no unpleasant thoughts on his mind, save one important
     one, which he had already dismissed as having no relevance to Broadstairs. The thought of a banquet for the Literary Lionisers
     did not disturb him in the least, particularly if it meant they would be waiting on the

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