Murder in Honolulu: A Skye Delaney Mystery
anything. All I knew
was that Carter's life was about to become an open book and there
was little I could do about it, except try to limit the damage
where it concerned me.
    I pinned my eyes on the reporter and told
him: "What a client hires me for is privileged information."
    He stood in my path as though determined to
get an answer that he could make something out of. "So, is that a yes then?"
    I sucked in a deep breath while glancing at
his press badge that identified him as Liam Pratt. "Look, Mr.
Pratt, if you know what's good for you, you'll get the hell out of
my face!"
    We got into a brief staring match before he
backed off. I had put it down as a victory until I realized I had
been assisted by the intimidating presence of Ridge who had come up
behind me.
    "Is there a problem here?" he asked
    "Nothing I couldn't handle," I told Ridge
with a scowl as the reporter wisely walked away.
    Liam Pratt stopped for a moment and said
over his shoulder: "The truth is going to come out one way or
another, Ms. Delaney—"

    He watched from amongst the reporters as
Skye Delaney sidestepped questions about Carter Delaney's
mysterious death like she was dodging bullets. She put on a good
show as one tough lady PI.
    She was hot to trot. He liked the way she
walked. You could tell she was a runner by the strength of her
stride and the grace of her strut. He found himself getting turned
on just by watching her thighs rub together inside those tight
jeans as she moved toward the detective's car.
    No wonder Carter Delaney had reintroduced
himself to her. He probably figured if he couldn't have her all to
himself again, might as well have his ex work for him.
    He wondered how Skye Delaney felt seeing her
onetime lover boy husband drowned in her bathtub. Not a pretty
    He could see the headlines now: FORMER
    That should get people talking , he
though with a laugh. And he'd listen, along with everyone else,
till he got his fill of it.
    He watched as Skye Delaney and Detective
Ridge Larsen got in the car and drove off, leaving reporters
scrambling for neighbors and wherever the hell else they could go
for information on this breaking story.
    He could only imagine what the two lovers
were talking about. They were probably on their way somewhere to
check on that damned dog's condition. She was almost certainly
asking Larsen why this thing had happened on her turf. He was
probably asking her the same thing.
    They could ask Carter Delaney, except dead
men didn't talk.

    In the car, Ridge cautioned me when he said:
"The going could be a bit rough for you for a while. After all,
it's not every day that something like this happens to a fairly
well-known figure in this city—who also happens to be a man you
were once married to."
    I didn't need to be reminded of that, but I
heeded the warning nevertheless. Carter's death was not going to go
away—at least not until I knew why he died. And why in my
    We arrived at the veterinarian's office
where Dr. Garth Nishimura, chief veterinarian, greeted us. He was
in his early fifties, but looked younger with short, fine black
hair. He had done wonders putting Ollie back together a year and a
half ago after he broke his leg fighting a neighbor's dog, so I
felt totally comfortable with him in the vet's hands now.
    When he returned to the waiting room after
about thirty minutes, I stood up anxiously.
    "So, how's Ollie?" I asked.
    "Couldn't be better, Skye," he said. "A
slight abrasion above his right eye was all we could find to
complain about." He led us to the room where Ollie was waiting
enthusiastically and apparently not the worse for wear. "I'd say he
still has many good years left in him," Dr. Nishimura said while
Ollie licked my face like it was a lollipop. "But I'm not so sure
the same can be said for whoever he took a chunk out of—"
    Ridge and I looked at

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