Murder at Dolphin Bay (Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery Book 1)

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Book: Murder at Dolphin Bay (Sand and Sea Hawaiian Mystery Book 1) by Kathi Daley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi Daley
the other patrons. It’s my guess he’s watching to see if anyone follows either the man or the woman. I don’t come here a lot, but I do come often enough that my presence isn’t suspect, in spite of the fact that I’m from a cop family. But if we get up now we may as well announce our real reason for being here.”
    Luke actually looked impressed by my logic. “Another rum?”
    “Make it a double,” I answered. “A little karaoke should dispel anyone’s suspicions as to our real reason for being here.”
    “You sing karaoke?”
    “I’ve been known to after a few shots. I’m actually somewhat famous for it around these parts. Don’t get me wrong: I’m terrible. But an off-key rendition of some currently popular song will dispel any doubts that anyone who was placed here as a lookout may have as to my reason for being here.”
    After two more rounds and three really bad songs, Luke and I left and headed back toward his ranch. The fact that I’d stopped singing a good fifteen minutes earlier and Luke was still laughing went a long way toward dispelling the warm and fuzzy feeling I’d found myself beginning to develop toward him.
    “It wasn’t that bad,” I defended myself.
    “Oh, yeah. It really was. At one point you sounded exactly like a cat on a hot tin roof.”
    “Very funny. I wasn’t trying to be good. I wanted everyone to think I was a lot drunker than I was. I have no idea who the woman was, and although the man looked familiar, I couldn’t place him. I have a bad feeling about whatever it was that just went down.”
    “Do you think maybe we should fill your brother in on all this?”
    “Maybe,” I admitted. “Let’s see if we can figure out the identity of the woman in the bar and then decide for sure.”
    “We can Google Branson. Maybe he was seen in public with her at some point and a photo will identify her by name.”
    It was a long shot, but at this point it was the only lead we had.
    When we returned to the ranch Luke made us salads with fresh greens and ahi tuna. We took our light meal out onto the patio, where he had set up electrical wiring to be used specifically with his computer and other electronic equipment. The patio area had its own source of high-speed Internet, creating an outdoor office of sorts that ran the equipment as efficiently as the office inside his home.
    After we ate Luke logged onto his computer and began to surf the Web. Unsurprisingly, there were quite a few photos of Cole; he was an aggressive businessman and investor who had a long history of spearheading large projects. If there was a photo of him with the woman we’d seen in the bar, locating it could very well be like finding a needle in a haystack.
    I remembered the redheaded woman saying a beautiful brunette with fair skin had brought the drink to Cole on the beach. The woman in the bar was certainly beautiful, and she was a brunette. Could she be the same one?
    I looked over Luke’s shoulder as he worked. At one point I recognized someone in a crowd. I pointed to the screen where the photo was displayed. “See that guy sitting in the back of the room?”
    “The guy with the green shirt?”
    “Yeah. I’ve seen him before somewhere. Do you know his name?”
    “No. Why?”
    I tried to remember where I’d seen the man. I really didn’t go a lot of places, so chances were it had been at the resort. The more I thought about it the more certain I was he was a semiregular guest. “I’ll need to confirm it with Kekoa, but I think that’s Patrick Anderson. He visits the resort almost every year. I didn’t put it together before, but I seem to remember Kekoa mentioning that he works as a planner for one of those big corporations with resorts all over the world. If he was photographed in the same room with Branson Cole maybe Patrick is the Anderson in Cole, Anderson, and Devlin.”
    “I guess that makes sense. I suppose if Branson and Anderson were both interested in developing land in the area it

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