Morvicti Blood (A Morvicti Novel Book 1)

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Book: Morvicti Blood (A Morvicti Novel Book 1) by Lee Swift Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Swift
    “Are you going to get any work done?”
    “Cross my heart,” he said. “I’ll even cook you lunch.”
    “Sounds wonderful.” She knew not to ask too many questions of him. Whatever he did for the embassy was strictly confidential. “Hurry home, honey.”

    9:07 AM
    Continuing her jog around the oval path at Archbishop’s Park, Molly felt the tip of her ponytail swishing against her shoulders. She loved to run this time of day. The park was typically empty, or nearly so. It gave her time to clear her mind and focus on whatever task or test was in front of her.
    Right now, she needed to decide on three songs for her upcoming wedding. The tune playing through her earbuds was one of thirty-five her fiancé had suggested. Trevor, being an amateur guitarist, was obsessed with music. Just one of the many obsessions they shared.
    She’d weighed several selections, but so far none of them sounded right. Something seemed off. Was it the music or the lyrics? She didn’t have much time left to decide.
    In just a few weeks she would be finished with university. A few weeks after that she would be marrying the love of her life.
    I’m going to be Mrs. Trevor Morgan.
    Her sister, who hadn’t taken her husband’s name, had told her she was being old fashioned.
    “You’re going to be twenty-three, Molly, not eighty-three. Changing your name to your husband’s makes you seem like his property.”
    She didn’t care what her sister thought.
    Molly Morgan. I like the way the two names fit together.
    Another lap and another song started. This one had a driving beat that she liked very much. Not for her wedding but perfect for her jog. She was just two pounds away from where she wanted to be for the big day. She couldn’t wait to show Trevor her lean figure.
    Being apart from him for the past year had been hell, but the important humanitarian work he was doing in sub-Saharan Africa meant the world to both of them. Once married, they would be working side by side on providing proper sanitation and clean water for poor villages.
    She grinned, recalling another remark by her sister.
    “You can’t be serious, Molly. You and Trevor plan on returning to Africa the very next day after your wedding. What kind of honeymoon is that going to be?”
    “The best kind,” she answered.
    Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a man, and was instantly pulled back to the present. His stomach was bleeding. She came to a stop and turned his direction just as he fell to the ground.
    She ran over. “Are you okay?”
    The dark-headed man, who looked to be a few years older than her, held his stomach, but it didn’t hide the immense amount of blood staining his shirt.
    “No. A man shot me.”
    She looked around, her heart pounding in her chest.
    “He ran off, miss. Could you lend me a hand?”
    “Let me call an ambulance.” She brought out her mobile phone.
    “Damn, it hurts.” He closed his eyes and groaned.
    She knelt down beside him. “You are not alone. Help will be here soon.”
    “That call won’t be necessary. I don’t want to be a bother.”
    He must be in shock. “You need medical attention. You are going to be fine.”
    “I said that won’t be necessary, sweetheart.” He grabbed her by the wrist, knocking her mobile out of her hand.
    She tried to pull back from him, but his grip tightened.
    With his other hand, he placed a large knife to her neck. “Don’t move and don’t scream.”
    She froze in place. “Please, don’t hurt me.” This can’t be happening. Her phone had landed just out of her reach.
    He twisted out from under her into a sitting position, though keeping hold of her wrist and pressing the blade to her skin. She tried to shift her feet closer to her mobile, but he released her wrist and grabbed her by the ponytail, jerking her head back.
    “A tricky little thing, aren’t you?” He smiled. “Such a pretty bird, you are.”
    She felt the tears of utter fear

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