
Read Online Moriah by Tony Monchinski - Free Book Online Page B

Book: Moriah by Tony Monchinski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tony Monchinski
Tags: apocalypse, Apocalyptic, postapocalyptic, permuted press, teotwawki, prepper, shtf
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    Red leaped nimbly over Rodriguez and onto the thing, burying both four-inch push daggers in its chest. It roared out in anger and tossed her from it.
    Rodriguez scrambled towards his H&K and came face to face with a zombie. The mutant had not been alone. It had made its way through the trees, each of its gigantic hands around the scraggly neck of a zombie, the undead struggling futilely against it the entire way. When the mutant attacked Rodriguez and Red, it had thrust the zombies ahead of it first, propelling them onto the path.
    One zombie had fallen down and was regaining its feet. The other confronted Rodriguez.
    Red had left her push daggers buried in the mutant’s chest. She came at it again, thrusting with the Robbins of Dudley dagger in her left hand. The mutant took the blow in its meaty forearm, the five-inch dagger disappearing in its forelimb. Undeterred, the beast rushed forward into Red. She yanked the dagger from its forearm and cracked the monster across the face with the dagger’s steel knuckles. If it noticed the blow, it gave no indication. The thing’s right hand reached out and wrapped itself around Red’s throat, crushing down on her windpipe like a vise, simultaneously lifting her from her feet.
    Rodriguez couldn’t wield a blade like Red, but he could hold his own. He whipped his boot dagger from its sheath and buried it in the decaying head of the zombie facing him in one fluid motion. Rodriguez dodged to the side, expecting the second zombie to attack. It stood there on the path, stinking and moaning, looking from him to Red and the mutant choking the life out of the girl.
    Hanging from its outstretched arm, Red thrust the trench dagger into the monster’s head. It grunted when the blade entered the side of its head and still, somehow, the thrust didn’t kill it. Worse yet, Red’s dagger was lodged there. With the oxygen cut off to her lungs and brain, Red let the Robbins of Dudley push dagger go, her right hand yanking one of the four-inch daggers from mutant’s chest, stabbing down with it, her left hand coming up with the doubled edged fifteen-inch weapon. She flicked her wrist as she wielded the blade, slicing ragged trenches through the thing’s face, blinding it in one eye.
    Still it refused to release her.
    Rodriguez looked from his rifle on the ground to the zombie before him. The beast hissed at him but turned and staggered towards Red and her assailant.
    Another flourish of the doubled-edged blade destroyed the mutant’s remaining eye, and it finally dropped her, grasping at its own face, roaring out in anger. Red gasped air through her damaged throat and did not relent. Her right arm came around with the throwing hatchet, burying it in the creature’s knee. The mutant’s leg went out from under it and it went down on one leg.
    Red hacked at its other thigh until that one collapsed underneath the beast as well. Cosmo’s son took its hands off its face and reached out blindly for Red, looking to grab her and draw her in close where it could destroy her, but the little red-head was already in close, the karambit gouging flesh from its face and neck.
    Rodriguez tore his eyes from the spectacle and made for his automatic rifle.
    The mutant lashed out wildly, its blow pushing Red back three feet. She stumbled into the zombie that was coming for her, its arms outstretched. Before its teeth could sink into her flesh, Red twisted and punched it in the face, her knuckles cracking it in the mouth. The zombie staggered back a step, stunned. It was just regaining whatever limited senses it had when Red’s throwing hatchet buried itself in its head. The handle jutting from its skull, the undead sprawled bonelessly.
    Red glanced down at her hand and moved in on the blinded beast kneeling there, hooking it under the chin with the karambit. With a grunt and a heave, she took its throat out in a spray of blood.
    The force she put into ripping out the creature’s neck turned her around,

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