Moonlight Seduction

Read Online Moonlight Seduction by Kendra Payne - Free Book Online

Book: Moonlight Seduction by Kendra Payne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kendra Payne
    Stephen Rozar gazed out into the abandoned automotive shop from a dark corner behind an old air compressor. He had to sneak into his position very slowly, working his way in from an open window about 90 feet from where he was standing. Getting into his position required him to move very stealthily, which took a significant amount of time. He didn't like anything that took a long time. When it came to what he was trying to achieve, time was not a luxury that he had.
    The auto shop was very dark but once his eyes had adjusted, there was just enough light shining in through the space where the overhead door used to hang. He used the little bit of light to ensure that he would not fall from the ledge of the window that he was standing on. He stood still and took in the view that was just below him. The shadows coming in made a creepy pattern across the floor that made his skin crawl. He knew that there was something there. He just needed to concentrate so he could see it. As he stood as still as a statue, he was able to control every part of his body. As he relaxed, he could actually slow down his beating heart so that his breathing would not impair his ability to hear the sounds around him.  
    The longer he stood upon the perch that he has placed himself on, the better he was able to make out the figure below. There was a young woman lying on the cold floor. If he had to guess, he would put her at about 18 or 19 years of age. From what he could see, she appeared to be very pretty. Not beautiful necessarily but definitely attractive. She had red hair that was pulled back into a tight ponytail and was dressed in a short denim skirt and a low cut blouse. Her blouse had been yanked down to the point that one of her breasts was completely exposed. Stephen did not normally let anything affect his main objective but he could not take his eyes off of her. He could not help but notice how smooth her pale skin appeared. Her areolas we a light shade of brown but appeared much darker in contrast to the milky color of her breast. Her nipple was hard, standing erect in response to the cool air circulating within the shop.  
    Stephen continued to watch as a dark, shadowy figure approached and stood over the young woman. He knew instantly that this was his target. The figure appeared to be your typical man. He was dressed in a pair of dark cargo pants and a black t-shirt. He had jet black hair that came down to his shoulders. Regardless of his outward appearance, Stephen knew that this figure was no mortal man. He may have been at one time but not anymore. The figure that he was watching was a vampire.  
    The vampire stalked over the woman's body as though he was studying her. After several minutes, he slowly knelt down onto the floor next to the young woman, reached down and grabbed her by the back of her head. As this was happening, Rozar reached into the backpack that he was carrying and slowly removed a small sword. He grabbed hold of it tightly using his left hand while he trained his eyes on his subject.  
    Smiling, the vampire looked down at the young lady as she slept soundly. With her head still in his hands, he tilted it slightly until her neck was completely exposed. He stared as he watched her jugular vein pulsating in time with her beating heart. You could almost feel the excitement radiating from his body. Grinning even bigger than before, two fangs appeared, one on each side of his mouth. Tilting his head back, he started to lower his head in the direction of the girl. As he did, a rodent went running behind him. It may have been a raccoon or a rat. Whatever it was, it turned his attention away from his victim.  
    Sensing that this was his one opportunity, Stephen slowly dropped down onto the floor. The landing would have been completely silent if it were not for the backpack slipping from his shoulder and hitting the ground. The vampire thrashed his head into the direction of the noise and

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