Mobbed by Him (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)

Read Online Mobbed by Him (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) by Alycia Taylor - Free Book Online

Book: Mobbed by Him (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
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By Him

Alycia Taylor
2015. All rights reserved.

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Months Ago...

    Looking around the room I barely heard a thing. It was
as if I was stuck in a fog; all my senses were dimmed. I felt numb. I knew that
I should feel something but I just didn't. People were around me, touching me,
trying to hug me, when all I wanted to do was claw them away from me. I didn't
want to be touched, I didn't want to be near them. I had heard the words 'I'm
sorry' about a million times and it had started to fall flat about three days
ago. Why did people feel the need to say sorry? What did it even mean anyways?
It was just something to say when you had no idea what to say. It was actually
a stupid thing for people to say and every time I heard it I wanted to scream.
They had no idea how I felt, and by saying sorry it felt more like a slap in
the face. Everyone that loved me and my parents were there and yet I wanted
them all to leave as soon as possible. I wanted to be left alone. No more hugs,
no more apologies. I just wanted it all to end.
    My parents were dead. Not just dead, they were
murdered. Sometimes I think learning of someone's death would be easier to deal
with if it were an accident. Like a car wreck or something. Accidents happened.
But my parents were murdered; they weren't supposed to die. It wasn't their
time to go, they had just been stolen from me. People said sorry as if it would
somehow take all the pain away, make me less sad, but it just made things
worse. Nothing could take the pain away, nothing ever would. Having people
around me at that moment made me increasingly uncomfortable. I hadn't eaten in
days and every time I tried to, it felt like I would vomit it all up. I had
been prescribed Valium but I had yet to take any. There was still so much to
deal with, maybe I would take the opportunity to numb out later.
    Standing there at the funeral amongst so many people,
it was obvious that my parents were loved a great deal. They had many friends
and family that were just as devastated by their death as I was. I wished that
I could feel something, anything, but I was completely numb. All I could think
about was the fear my mother must have felt. Both of them actually, but I
always saw my father as a strong man and he would have fought hard to save my
mother no matter what it took. But she would have felt real fear, not just for
herself, but for my father and the daughter she was leaving behind. Why did
they have to die? What had they done so wrong that would cause someone to come
after them? My parents were good, honest people. It was unfathomable that this
could have happened to such good people. Every time that I tried to wrap my
head around it I just couldn't. It was impossible that they were gone, even
more impossible that someone could knowingly and willing hurt them. I couldn't
bear the thought of it; it was just too much.
    But someone hadn't cared about the kind of people they
were, it hadn't mattered at all. They were not just murdered, they were
brutally murdered. Their blood had been all over the room they were killed in.
It had been like watching a horror movie. I couldn't even imagine the kind of
people that were capable of such a thing. It was something you thought only
happened in the movies. Real people didn't do things like that. Thankfully I
had not seen it firsthand or else I may have been admitted to a mental hospital
by now. The police, however, had shown me pictures after I demanded to know
what happened to my parents. The pictures alone were enough to give me
nightmares; I didn't know how the police had managed to walk through that crime
scene without losing it. I

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