MM02 - Until Morning Comes
    She leaned back to look at him. “You're joking.”
    “No.” He smiled at her. “So I stopped and called to you.”
    “I didn't hear you.”
    “Did you hear a turtledove?”
    “That was you?”
    “Colter, you're full of surprises.”
    “I'm glad you mentioned surprises.” He made an expert maneuver, holding on to her while reaching into his pocket. “I have another gift for you. One slightly damaged goo goo cluster.”
    She stared at the shiny wrapper in his hand. It was crumpled and mashed from being in his pocket.
    “I think I'm going to cry.” She put her hands to her cheeks.
    “You don't like mashed goo goo clusters?”
    She saw the teasing light in his eyes. “I love them, and I’ve decided I can't eat and cry at the same time.” She took the candy and peeled back the wrapper. “What's more, I'm going to share.”
    She broke off a tiny bit of candy and held it to his lips. He took it all into his mouth—the chocolate, the marshmallow, the peanuts, and two delicate fingers. He wrapped his tongue around her fingers.
    “Hmmm, delicious.” With his mouth full, his words were garbled, but she understood them nonetheless.
    “There's more where that came from.”
    He released her fingers and swallowed the candy. “Eight more, if I'm not mistaken.”
    “I'm talking about the candy.”
    “I'm not.”
    He lifted her hand and kissed the palm. Then he took her fingers into his mouth, one by one, savoring the texture and the special taste of her skin.
    A flush heated her skin. Even after he let her fingers go and stood up, she still felt warm and languid.
    “Tomorrow evening, Yellow Bird, I’ll come for you.”
    “I don't know, Colter.”
    “You will hear my signal and come to me.”
    “The turtledove?”
    “And you will ride with me.”
    He disappeared as quickly as he had come, blending into the darkness so that she couldn't tell his direction. Instinctively, she knew he was running, and she leaned forward to catch the sounds. But not a single footfall marred the silence of the night.
    She stayed in the swing a while longer, enjoying the luxury of doing nothing, then went inside to bed.
    “Dad-blamed it, Jo Beth. You're slower than Christmas.” Silas moved from one cactus to another, taking pictures as fast as he could. “We've been here all morning, and I’ll bet I've made twice as many as you.”
    “Four times.” She focused carefully, never looking up.
    “Is that right? Hot dern, I'm gonna get rich.”
    He moved around behind Jo Beth, snapped a great shot of the sky, then trained his camera on the western horizon. Colter and his stallion came into view.
    “I've got that sucker now.” Silas frowned into his viewfinder as Colter came closer. “Hold it right there, Toronto.”
    Jo Beth whirled around. “Colter. What a pleasant surprise.”
    He smiled at her. “I knew I'd find you out here somewhere.” He held up the burden basket. “I brought lunch... enough for three.” He dismounted. “Hello, Silas.”
    “Stay right where you sire.” Silas was clicking his camera furiously.
    “Dad, what in the world are you doing?”
    “Collecting evidence. I'm gonna send these pictures to my son.” He glared over the top of the camera at Colter. “Rick's a private eye. He'll know just what to do about you.... Shoot, I'm out of film.” He went to the Jeep to reload his camera.
    “I'm sorry,” Jo Beth told Colter.
    “It's better than being tied in the privy.” He caught her hand. “How are you?”
    “Busy. Happy. And glad to see you.”
    “Ready for a lunch break?”
    They let down the tailgate of the Jeep, and Colter unloaded the folding canvas chair Jo Beth had brought for Silas. Silas hopped around them like a bantam rooster, aiming his camera and yelling, “Gotcha.”
    Colter took it all in stride, and Jo Beth smiled, but every time her father yelled, her heart broke a little. He needs me, she thought. Now, more than ever.
    “Dad, let me put

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