Mistress Minded

Read Online Mistress Minded by Katherine Garbera - Free Book Online

Book: Mistress Minded by Katherine Garbera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Garbera
Tags: Romance
    Adam sat on a bench to remove his shoes and socks and roll up the bottom of his pants. She slid off her sandals and set them next to his on the bench. The sand under her bare feet felt wonderful, grainy and textured and a little cold.
    Then Adam grasped her hand loosely and they started walking down the beach. The only sounds were the roar of the surf and the call of a night bird. It was a Hollywood moment—a couple under a full moon walking along the surf. But in her head Jayne realized that nothing was picture-perfect. Not her, not Adam and not the dreams she’d had as a girl alone in her room.
    There was a reason why she had a million to-do lists in her life. And that reason was she had to be in control of everything. Too much of her childhood had been unpredictable.
    â€œDo I really leave you cold?” Adam asked.
    â€œSometimes. I guess that wasn’t very fair. But I’m not feeling myself.”
    He tilted his head and looked up at the stars. “I can’t give you more.”
    â€œWhy not? Powell’s fraternization policy?”
    She waited.
    â€œI’ve seen lives destroyed because of lack of control, chère. And I don’t want that to happen to you.”
    â€œThat’s the second time you’ve mentioned destruction. But you don’t destroy anything. In fact, you build some of the most luxurious resorts in the world.”
    He stopped, dropping her hand and facing the ocean. “I’m careful in my personal life. You know that. I pick women who don’t…”
    â€œWant more than you give them?”
    â€œWhy? I can’t imagine you grew up thinking you’d just have a string of mistresses—they’re easier than wives.”
    â€œBut I did.”
    Suddenly she felt chilled and stepped a little closer to Adam. He sensed her shiver and slipped his dinner jacket off, draping over her shoulders. Then he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to his side.
    â€œWhy would you choose that? It’s such a cold life.”
    â€œYou sound like you know something about it.”
    She shrugged. She wasn’t going to tell him her feelings on mistresses.
    He tugged her into his arms. “This is a night for romance and I don’t want to waste it talking.”
    He lowered his head, but she pulled back. “I’m not going to be blinded by sex.”
    â€œBlinded by sex,” Adam said with a chuckle. “Jesus, Jayne, you kill me.”
    She smiled to herself. But she wanted some answers. “You were trying to distract me. Why?”
    â€œI’m not sure,” he said. He slipped his hand into hers again and tugged her toward the water. “Let’s play.”
    â€œOkay, but I still want to know more about your relationships.”
    â€œThat’s not a very nice topic to bring up with a new lover.”
    â€œBut we’re not really lovers.”
    â€œI think we will be.”
    â€œMe, too,” she said softly.
    The waves ran over their feet, cool but not too cold, and they stood there staring at each other. Finally, Adam leaned down and brushed his lips against her cheek. “I saw what cheating and infidelity can do to a family. I vowed to never put anyone in that position.”
    â€œYou’re so strong. I don’t think you’d ever do that.”
    â€œI’m my father’s son, Jayne. We haven’t been out of New Orleans an entire day and already I’m contemplating breaking one of the company’s rules and my own vow to never get involved with a woman who works for me.”
    He removed his hands from her body and stepped back. She watched him for a long moment and realized that shadows of the past were once again reaching out to darken the future. She’d felt it every dayof her life, but never thought about Adam that way. Until now.
    â€œI think you’re better than

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