Miss Match

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Book: Miss Match by Wendy Toliver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Toliver
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Kevin. I’m not so sure I want to hear the answer.
    “I was studying.”
    “Really?” Shoot. That just slipped out. I don’t want to piss Maddie off. After all, she needs to be in the best mood possible when she meets Derek for the first time.
    She whips around to face me and snarls, “This might come as a surprise to you, Sasha, but I really do want to get good grades. And it’s more than just staying on the cheerleading squad.” She slams her locker shut. “I want to prove to myself that I’m smart. Like you.”
    “But you are smart, Maddie,” I say, feeling simultaneously lousy for having doubted her integrity and relieved that she wasn’t ditching to be with Kevin. “You just need a little help now and then, that’s all.”
    Waving her algebra book in my face, she says, “And I’m getting it.”
    “Yes, you are. Well, I’d better let you go get that help. Have fun!” I point her in the right direction and smooth a flyaway on the top of her head. Once I’ve sent her off, I follow her down the hall, all quiet so she won’t notice me.
    When I get to the library, I peep into make sure she finds Derek. She walks straight over to him. Aw, how sweet. Looks like he dressed up a little more than usual. He’s sporting a maroon polo and chinos and his hair looks freshly combed. I bet he smells wonderful.
    I sneak in closer and hide behind the biography shelf, listening in on their conversation. It’s Miss Match’s responsibility to make sure this meeting goes as smoothly as possible.
    Maddie is the first to speak. “Thanks for helping me…” She gives him that void what the heck is your name look.
    “Derek. It’s my pleasure, Maddie.” He stands and holds out his hand.
    She looks at him like he’s crazy. Come on, Maddie. Work with him…
    She takes his hand and shakes it, outing her dazzling smile. “My sister says you’re the best algebra tutor ever.”
    He waits for her to sit and then follows suit. “Well, I don’t know about that…”
    Ah, modesty. Good goin’, Derek.
    “I haven’t seen you around.”
    “My family just moved to Utah.”
    “Oh? Where are you from? Australia or somewhere?”
    Australia ?
    “You’ve got an accent.”
    It takes every ounce of self-control for me not to laugh out loud.
    “Actually, I’m from Paris.”
    “Oooooh! Well, that explains it. How exciting!”
    “Er, yeah.”
    “Are you looking for something in particular, Sasha?” I about jump out of my skin when Mrs. Leonard accosts me. I look up at her and smile, acting like I’m really into these biographies and not eavesdropping in the least.
    “Nope, I’m doing just fine down here; thanks for your help,” I whisper ever so quietly, sending a telepathic Go away before you blow my cover! message to the overly attentive librarian. I don’t move a muscle, scared Derek or Maddie will discover me crouching behind the shelf.
    Mrs. Leonard arches an eyebrow at the Donald Trump book in my hand and peers over at Derek and Maddie. “I see.”
    Once she finally leaves me in peace, I venture a quick peek through the books. They’re both leaning over Maddie’s math assignment,oblivious to the spy on the other side of the bookshelf. Whew. Close call! Convinced the two potential lovebirds have gotten off to a good start, I leave to track Kevin down and run a little interference.
    When I catch up with the football players out on the field, it sounds like Coach Cunningham is wrapping up practice. “And no drinking this weekend, guys. I need everyone to be in tip-top shape if we’re going to clobber Harrison for the big homecoming game.”
    The players sound off their grunts and howls and then stampede toward the locker room. I stay put under the bleachers for a few beats before trailing Kevin and his posse.
    “Dude, did I tell you guys Kennedy said yes?” a junior called Bart says.
    “To homecoming?” Kevin asks.
    Another guy jumps in. “What did ya do? Threaten to book all her

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