Miss Enchanter - Ophelia's Story
Keeping the baby away from the Great Evil wasn’t hard with Cynthia
and Ash’s help. The Great Evil had no interest in babies, but they
all knew that they had to leave before the King and Matthew
returned if they wanted to live.”
    “Did the Great Evil ever bother my mother
again?” Ophelia was almost afraid to ask.
    “Only once more. Your mother, with the help
of Julia, Cynthia and Ash, were mostly successful in keeping her
distance from him. But one day when Julia and her son were in the
garden, the baby was about three months old by then, your mother’s
good luck ran out. Julia had her son on her lap and was singing to
him. The baby started singing the same song that his mother was.
The Great Evil happen to be walking by and heard the baby singing
with his mother.”
    “Oh no! How horrible! What did they do?”
Ophelia cried.
    “They did not see him approaching, but your
mother, who was nearby, did. She quickly started to sing herself
and that drew The Great Evil’s attention away from the mother and
child and towards your mother. Your mother sacrificed herself that
morning to save Julia and her son, but they all knew the time had
come to leave. They knew that even if The Great Evil left, that the
King and Matthew would be returning soon.” Luna told her.
    “My poor mother! How did they get away?”
    A knock on the door caused Thelma to jump and
Ophelia to let out a screech. “It’s me, Sebastian! The snow is
picking up so I wanted to bring over the rest of your supplies
tonight before it gets any worse outside. Hello, Ophelia, Catherine
said she enjoyed meeting you today.”
    “Come in, Sebastian.” Thelma said as the
women jumped up to help him carry in what appeared to Ophelia to be
a year’s supply of groceries. Luna then went into the kitchen to
help and to pour Sebastian a mug of hot chocolate.
    When the groceries were all brought inside
and the refrigerator full, Sebastian sat down at the kitchen table
with the women and drank his hot chocolate. “I understand you want
to remodel The Spa, Ophelia. Tom and I will be happy to make
whatever changes or repairs you have in mind. Just let us know
when.” He said.
    “Oh, that project is just in the thinking
stages. I am not sure what I want to do. I understand that the
Chocolate Shop was opened years after The Spa was built?”
    Luna and Thelma confirmed that fact.
    “Well, then I was thinking that I would like
to put in a small self-serve coffee machine in the lounge area
where the customers could enjoy a cup of Thelma’s coffee as well as
herbal teas.” Ophelia said.
    “That is a great idea!” Luna and Thelma both
agreed. “It is nice to have a fresh perspective.”
    “I can get on that right away for you.”
Sebastian offered.
    “Thanks, but why don’t we wait for a bit. I
want to pick out a color scheme for the new lounge area and entire
Spa first. I don’t know if I should keep it in all shades of the
same color, like it is now with the red, or if I should give each
room a theme, or its own colors.” Ophelia said. “Maybe put one of
those flat screen TVs in there.”
    Sebastian looked puzzled and Thelma jumped up
and said “Sebastian, did you unload all of the baking goods and
canned foods into the kitchen of the other house?”
    “I got it all in the door, I wanted to make
sure I got all this stuff to you as soon as possible.” He said.
    “Let’s go take a look, I am sure you have my
full order, but maybe you can help me with the larger bags of flour
and sugar.” Thelma said, standing up and making it clear that they
were to attend to it immediately.
    “Of course” Sebastian said. I need to get
back soon, the snow is not letting up any out there. I want to make
sure Zippy can get me back to the hill and him back to the barn
again for the night before long. Good night, Luna, Ophelia.”
    “Was it something I said?” Ophelia asked Luna
as soon as Sebastian and Thelma left through the back door to go
down the path and to

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