Miss Annie And The Chief

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Book: Miss Annie And The Chief by Joany Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joany Kane
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attended to by either captain.   He excuses himself from his conversation and approaches
    He takes her
elbow and escorts her to a quiet, private place, out of sight but still within
earshot of the music.   No one has
seen them.   He scolds her.   “You have not taught me.”
    “What do you
mean?”   Annie is confused.
    “This important
lesson, you did not teach me,” the chief restates with more conviction.
    “What important
lesson?”   Annie asks curiously.
    “The dance
lesson. I wish to learn now.”
    Annie is
reluctant.   Red Hawk
encourages.   “Teach me this, now.”
    Annie obliges.
“You place one hand here, and the other hand clasped in your right hand.   This hand.”   Annie hesitantly lets Red Hawk take her in his arms like he
has been observing all night.  
    “You move your
feet in tune with the music.   One,
two, three, one, two, three.”   Annie instructs.   He
awkwardly tries to move to the music.
    “Yes, that's
good.”   Annie encourages.
    Annie and Red
Hawk share a robust dance together.    The song ends.   The dance
ends.   Red Hawk leans in close to
Annie's ear, mimicking Mark's move.   His lips brush past her ear.   “Thank you.”
    Flustered, Annie
manages a polite yet tender reply.   “You're welcome.”
    Later in the
evening, when the festivities are over, Chief Red Hawk rides his horse towards
his village.   He stops just outside
the village.   He looks longingly at
his village as if deep down he knows he won't see it this way much longer.   He then looks up to the sky, seeing the
million stars above.
    At the same time
on the road to Beaver Creek Mark drives a buggy; Annie sits next to him. She
quietly hums a tune. Of all the tunes played this evening, and all the dances
she danced with the three men, she hums the tune that she danced to with Mark
when he called her "Annie."
    He smiles
knowingly to himself as he listens.   Then he stops the buggy.
wrong?”   Annie asks.
    Mark looks up at
the sky, marveling at the millions of stars twinkling as far as the eye can
see.   “I never had a view of the
stars like this back home in Boston.   Remarkable.”   Mark
shares.   “This is such beautiful
country. I can't even begin to imagine what this situation is like for the
Indians.   To be forced to give up
your home, your land, extraordinary places like this that have been in your
family for generations, just because others believe they are entitled to it is
fundamentally wrong.”
compassionately touches Mark's cheek in response to his sensitivity and
wisdom.   He places his hand over
hers, relishing her touch.   He
looks deeply into her eyes, touching her soul with his gaze. "Hear my soul
speak. Of the very instant that I saw you did my heart fly at your service."
    Annie's cheeks
turn crimson as a bolt of energy charges her heart and soul with love and
longing.   “That is not Emerson,
Captain Caldwell, that is Shakespeare.”   Annie says, attempting to flirt.
    “Who better to
quote to convey my feelings for you, Annie?”   He pulls her close, wraps his arms around her as his lips
find hers.   At first the kiss is
tender, romantic, sweet.   But soon
longing and desire take over.   The
kiss turns into a passionate and explosive kiss filled with hunger and
intensity; it’s epic and unforgettable.
    She pulls away,
breathless, her eyes misting.   “I
don't know if I can handle being in love with another Army man, most especially
you.   If I were to lose you, the
loss would be the greatest most unbearable agony imaginable.”
    Not knowing how
to reassure her with words he envelops her in a strong embrace, hoping his
strength and love will comfort her.   They remain embraced under the night sky for quite some time, neither
one wanting to let go of the other.
    Later the buggy
finally enters the town.   Mark
parks it in front of Selma's place.   He hops out of the buggy and helps Annie out of the buggy.   As she

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