Miss Annie And The Chief

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Book: Miss Annie And The Chief by Joany Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joany Kane
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turn as red as Mark’s.   They
try to focus on the evening and not each other; they look at Chief Red Hawk
mingling with the people.
    “How do you
think it went today?”   Annie asks
    “I think what
you have accomplished with Chief Red Hawk is extraordinary.”   Annie appreciates Mark’s comment with a
    “He has better
manners than most of the men in my company.”   Mark adds.
    “A kind way to
avoid my question, Captain.”   Annie
    Mark sighs.
“Unfortunately, I don't think the visit to the village mattered in the least.
The commissioners are here to have the treaty signed and to take more land from
the Arapaho. I doubt even the arrival of the Savior Jesus would stop these
government men from taking what they want.”
expression goes from disappointed in the truth of Mark's words to unexpected
delight.   Mark turns to see whom
Annie is pleased to see.   Annie has
just locked eyes with Captain Harmon Taylor.   He joins Annie and Mark.
    Annie and Harmon
clasp each other's hands, cordially, yet with some familiarity.   Mrs. Landon, it is good to see you
again.   Captain Taylor beams.
    “And it is good
to see you, Captain Taylor.” Annie replies.  
    “You look
lovely.”   Captain Taylor
compliments.   “It appears leaving
Pennsylvania has served you well.”
    The two captains
officially greet each other.   “Hello, Captain Caldwell.”
    “Captain Taylor.
Where are you coming from?”
    “I've been with
General Howard meeting with Chief Joseph and the Nez Percé up north. I'm headed
for Apache country.”
    The band
finishes a song and starts another.   Captain Taylor extends his hand to Annie.   “May I have this dance, Mrs. Landon?”
    Annie is pleased
with the request.   “I haven't
danced since my wedding.”
    Annie takes
Captain Taylor's hand as he leads her to the dance floor.   Mark looks upset that he didn't beat
Captain Taylor to the punch.   Chief
Red Hawk watches Annie and Captain Taylor dance. A couple of commissioners
corner Mark for conversation.
    The song and
dance end.   Another song begins,
Captain Taylor clearly wants to continue to dance.   Annie is willing.   As they dance, they converse.
    “It is good to
see you again, Mrs. Landon.”   Captain Taylor states.
    “Seeing you
brings back memories.”   Annie
    “I hope not all
    “Time and
experience has removed much of the pain.”
    “Glad to hear
it. Would you be agreeable if I called you Annie?”
    Mark has had
enough. He excuses himself from his conversation and interrupts Captain Taylor
and Annie.   “May I cut in?”
    Captain Taylor
steps aside, Mark is higher up in captain rank and decoration. But the song
ends.   Another begins.   A slow, romantic song.
    Mark pulls Annie
into a cordial dance embrace.   Their dance starts out politely, with a respectable distance between
    “How do you know
Captain Taylor?”   Mark inquires.
    “He served with
my husband. My husband thought highly of him. Captain Taylor was with Caleb
when he died. He was the one who delivered the news to me.”  
    “Captain Taylor
is a good man.”   Mark affirms.
    He pulls Annie
closer to him, which she doesn't object to.   He whispers in her ear, his lips brushing across her
cheek.   “So am I, Annie.”   He says her name with such tenderness,
her heart quickens and her cheeks flush.
    Mark pulls her
even closer and again, she doesn’t object.   Her heart races and he can feel it, his heart pounding as
well.   He holds he as close as he
can while remaining respectable in the public event.   He can smell the freshness in her hair, the touch of perfume
on her neck.   He never wants to let
her go, and now as she responds to his touch and his closeness, she never wants
him to.   Captain Taylor watches,
knowing that he’s been licked.
    A short time
later, as the dance continues, Annie takes a breather from the
festivities.   Chief Red Hawk spies
Annie alone, not

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