Misguided Truths: Part Two (Misjudged #4)

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Book: Misguided Truths: Part Two (Misjudged #4) by Sarah Elizabeth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Elizabeth
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and then with what Alyssa said last night, that it was your first …”
    “What about it?” I see the look of embarrassment wash over her.
    “You sa id you wished it never happened.” I look down to the ground, and for some reason, I need to know this. I don’t want her to regret that I was the first guy who she ever let touch her.
    “I wish it hadn’t happened with someone who didn’t feel the same things that I felt. I wish I was standing here right now with the same guy I was with on Friday night.” So do I . “But he doesn’t exist, does he?”
    I swallow , hard, when I think back to the guy I used to be. The one who would be able to give her what she needs, and what she wants. I wish that I could be that guy for her, but I can’t be. I guess I need to just be honest here. Tell her what she’s waiting to hear. I take a couple of breaths, and start shaking my head solemnly while sliding my hands inside my pockets.
    When I bring my eyes back on hers, I try and smile. Try and show her that this whole thing isn’t bothering me, but I don’t think I can. “No … he doesn’t.”
    “Then I guess we should forget any of this ever happened.” Tears start to appear in her eyes, and seeing this makes my chest tighten. In a few years, she’ll look back on this and know that this was for the best. I know she will. Yeah. Let’s just forget this whole thing happened. There’s one small problem, though. What if I don’t wanna forget? No. Scrap that. What if I can’t? Yeah, I know, this shouldn’t be about me. She’s right. We need to push what happened to one side and try to get along.
    “Can we be friends?” I step closer , and place my hand on her shoulder. When she doesn’t answer me, I know I need to push her to talk. “I’d like it if we could be, Alexis.”
    “I don’t know.” Shit.
    Stepping closer, I trace my fingers along her jaw because if we can’t be friends, well, then I won’t have another chance to touch her again, “Please, Alexis.” I take a hold of her chin, and lift her face until she’s looking right at me. Tell me we can be friends and then I can walk away from here and forget this whole thing happened like we just agreed.
    My chest presses lightly against hers when I go to lean in closer, “I …”
    “Holy fucking shit!” A guy’s voice makes me step away, and I see Alexis narrow her eyes when she turns her head to the side. Something tells me that whoever this guy is, well, he sounds like a douche and Alexis doesn’t seem at all happy with him being here. I don’t know whether I should punch the guy or thank him. If he hadn’t have shown up just now then it’s likely we would’ve been making out. Yeah, it’s definitely a good thing that he interrupted us. It would’ve just given her the wrong impression otherwise. “Well, well, well!”
    “Who’s that?” I keep my eyes solely on her when I ask, and step back some more. It seems that whatever we had going on a second ago has long since gone because of the interruption.
    “I never thought I would see the day when Alexis Harper, daughter of a cop, got involved with a fucking dealer! Your mother would be turning in her fucking grave!” Whoa! What the fuck? Alright so I can tell that she’s not so happy to see him here, but from the way he sounds and the words he’s just spoken there’s definitely something going on here. Nice job, bro. You’ve just fucking woken up the beast, because I swear to God, no guy should ever speak to a woman like that.
    My hands are already balled into fists by my sides, and I’m actually shocked she hasn’t said anything back to him yet. Is she just gonna stand there in silence and let him get away with this? What kinda hold has this guy got over her anyways? She was feisty just a second ago when she was talking to me, but now she looks a little lost, upset even. No. Fuck this shit. If she’s not gonna say something then I sure as hell need to. I swing around, clench my jaw

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