Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)

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Book: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) by Kathryn Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Kelly
club seemed untrusting of Kendall. If someone showed themselves as a real friend to her, Kendall might do what she must.
    “You haven’t misjudged me, Kendall. I’m your friend. I hope I haven’t misjudged you.” Kendall needed something to do. Something to make her happy. Her career was that something. She’d also mention that to Christopher. “Don’t put my brother and his club at risk.”
    “If he’s at risk, then so is Johnnie.” She turned and stomped away. “Check in with Jane to make sure everything is ready for Meggie’s arrival.”
    “Fine. Be right back.”
    Kendall’s voice halted Fee. “You do understand why I can’t allow you to sit with us?”
    In all the weeks Fee had been working for Kendall and excluded from the brunches, this was the first time she’d thought to ask how Fee felt. Maybe, Kendall really did see her as a friend. “Yes.”
    “You don’t mind it, do you?”
    “What difference does it make? I understand you want to keep this professional. During business hours, I’m only your employee.”
    “I promise I’ll make it up to you, but Ella and Jane were sent by Charlotte. She took time out of her busy schedule to find a nanny and a maid for me. I can’t disappoint her by being gauche enough to let my assistant eat with me on the clock. Don’t be mad. She’s like a mother to me.”
    “I thought Roxy was like a mother to you.” Fee liked the club enforcer’s mother-in-law. She’d heard about Charlotte Redding but had never met her. If she offered Kendall this type of awful advice, Fee didn’t want to meet her.
    “Roxy deserted me to go back to New Orleans, until the end of the summer. She hasn’t once called me to check in.”
    That didn’t sound like Roxy at all. She’d taken a special liking to Kendall, so there had to be a reason for her lack of contact.
    “You should call her,” Fee suggested. “Something might be wrong.”
    “I did call her and she brushed me off. Talked to me less than a minute before saying she was busy.” Hurt crossed Kendall’s features before she tightened her jaw. “I’m used to it. My own mother never had time for me. Why would someone else’s mom want me?”
    Fee recognized the loneliness in Kendall’s statement. She, too, felt alone amongst her remaining family and their friends.
    Kendall nodded to the door. “I need you to check to make sure that Jane has bagels and lox ready.”
    “Meggie don’t like lox.”
    “Such a simple girl. I guess Christopher don’t like it so she doesn’t.” She giggled. “He probably doesn’t even know how to spell it.”
    From vulnerability to bitchiness. Kendall’s changes gave Fee whiplash.
    “Whoa, back up. First, you insulted CJ, a child . Now, you’re disparaging my brother. You can’t do that around me.”
    Shame crossed Kendall’s face. “You’re right. But I’m just joking. Another thing you’ll find out now that I’m not so stressed with the case. I’m a real cut-up.”
    Fee faked a loud laugh, then abruptly stopped and glared at Kendall. “Christopher happens to like lox and caviar.”
    “He does? Not even Johnnie likes caviar.”
    Fee shrugged, wondering if this was Kendall’s true character, or if she was having an off day, as everyone did at one time or another.
    In the kitchen, Fee found Jane serving tea to Ella. She was a plump woman, too severe to be a nanny to young kids. Both her and Jane were older, matronly types, who wore gray and white uniforms that matched their gray and white hair.
    Two silver trays, covered in clear plastic wrap, sat on the kitchen counter. The smaller one contained the lox, the bigger held a mountain of bagels. Silver dishes containing sour cream, chives, and something unidentifiable surrounded the trays. A large bowl of fresh mixed fruit was also there.
    “May I help you?” Jane’s polite question drew Ella’s attention.
    Fee smiled. “Kendall sent me in here to make sure everything is ready for Meggie’s arrival.”

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