Miraculous: Tales of the Unknown

Read Online Miraculous: Tales of the Unknown by Krystal McLaughlin - Free Book Online

Book: Miraculous: Tales of the Unknown by Krystal McLaughlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal McLaughlin
Tags: Paranormal, Magic, supernatural, Alien, Werewolves, demons, Ghost, fairy, changling
one foot to the other. There was something so pure and kind about
Aiden. She let the white T-shirt she wore every night to bed fall
over her head just before she stepped out into the room. The tiny
sound of Aiden sucking in air made her smile.
    “Teach me to speak with my
hands.” She asked, walked seductively towards him.
    The sight of her in just a
shirt nearly floored him. He pulled her close, kissed her deeply
before moving around behind her. He let his fingers traipse up her
arms towards her hands. Slowly he moved her fingers, her hands, her
arms fluidly, as if to music. Esilee lost herself in the rhythm of
the unspoken words he guided her through. She could feel his heart
beating against her, picking up pace as the gestures became more
pronounced, as he added more flourish and feeling into them. She
leaned back into him relishing the moment. Their bodies again
melding together, he pulled their hands to her chest, held her
against him, kissing the curve of her neck.
    She turned wanting to see
his eyes. They shined, as he continued to sign. A sweet silence
enveloped the room around them.
    “I want to try something.”
She said. He nodded his hands falling silent at his
    Esilee stepped forward and
kissed the soft skin behind his right ear, sucking gently, her
tongue pressing against his flesh. She did the same on the other
side, before stepping back and opening her mouth wider than he
thought possible.
    “AIDEN!” The power of her
voice shook the tiny shack almost knocking him down.
    “Oh my god. I … I think I
actually heard you! Do it again.” He begged.
    She began to sing, quietly
at first, her voice rising like the tide.
    “Come to me, oh come to
    All ye lost men at
    Follow the sound til your
feet reach ground
    And know you’re safe with
    Oh come to me, oh come to
    All ye lost children at
    Hold my hand and we’ll
play awhile
    Follow me I’ll set you
free.” The words burrowed into his ears and rang inside of his
head. His face lit up as the sweet sound of her voice filled
    “Come to me, oh come to
    All ye lasses who’ve
jumped in the sea
    I’ll take you home in the
briny foam
    To become a witch of the
    His eyes filled with tears
as he clung to each note. It was surreal watching her lips move and
actually hearing the sound that came from them.
    “Say my name.” He
    “Say your
    He cried at the sound of
her name.
    “Esilee.” He
    “I love you Aiden. Stay
with me. Stay with me always.”
    He nodded at her, signing
yes repeatedly, too overwhelmed to speak.
    “It won’t last Aiden, the
hearing, I can’t make it stay but you’ll always hear me
    “That’s all I’ll ever
    Aiden pulled her to him,
kissing her roughly, his hands gripping her shirt tightly,
threatening to never let go. She motioned towards the bed and he
obliged by picking her up and carrying her there, his lips never
leaving hers.
    Aiden knew he would never
leave the swamp.

    Three days later Jared
came through the door of the Boondock’s bar looking for his
childhood friend. The bartender eyed him suspiciously. Jared
stepped towards the stage just as Esilee was stepping from her
room. She closed the door quickly behind her.
    “Where is he?” Jared
    “Who?” She asked
    “You know damn well who,
where’s Aiden? I’m not leaving here without him.” He planted his
feet defiantly. Esilee felt a strong connection with him that Jared
would never understand. They loved the same man, they both longed
to protect him and do what was right by him. He made them both
better people by knowing them and neither wanted to ever lose
    “Look you lousy swamp
witch, tell me where he is or I’m calling the police.”
    Esilee looked at him
sadly. Jared didn’t know how right he was. Before he could speak
again her arm shot out and her fingers locked around his neck in a
vice like grip. He was

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