Minstrel's Solstice

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Book: Minstrel's Solstice by Nicole Dennis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Dennis
Minstrel’s Solice
    B LINDED BY the increasing ferocity of the ice blizzard dropping in from the northern mountains, a traveling minstrel taught by the Bard Guild, Kerryll MacGhylle, huddled over the shaggy mane and neck of his pony, Aychear. His double-layered cloak surrounded him in its warmth and protection, but this freezing cold was starting to delve underneath even that fabric. He shifted the heavy scarf over his mouth and nose to be able to breathe through the icy chill. Their lungs could easily freeze if they didn’t find shelter soon, and he wasn’t sure Aychear remained on the Outer Road.
    The last town didn’t allow strangers beyond their walls. It’d been similar in many places he visited after the devastating wasting plague swept across the kingdom. Throughout the four quadrants, towns blamed the traveling guilds for spreading the plague, to the point where some captured and executed members of the traveling guilds.
    This was the first triple season Kerryll had managed to travel, but he didn’t retain many contracts. Now the Dark Solstice was upon him, and he needed a place to stay when the roads closed from the piling snow and ice. Of the triple seasons, families spent the dark season indoors, enjoying the work and reward of the previous year. Before the plague, minstrels used to be the only ones to officially perform and provide all the music and festivities throughout the ceremonials and rituals. This blessed event had disappeared from most repertoires and requests. Most solstice celebrations were silent and grave instead of joyous.
    Kerryll hated the change within the quadrants since the plague. Life as a traveler had become worse. He couldn’t enjoy the simple pleasure of playing for the celebrations. He yearned to see the joy and light upon the children’s faces as they danced and frolicked to his music. Though he wished he could return to the ways prior to the plague, he knew they wouldn’t change. Instead of trying to procure multiple contracts and treading the endless roads, Kerryll wanted to stay within one main castle and perform the minstrel’s role permanently through all the blessed celebrations and beyond. He wanted to belong somewhere.
    Thunder rumbled through the darkness. Kerryll lifted his gaze from Aychear’s neck and tried to peer through the dense snowfall and thick cloud cover. They could die if trapped within this weather and unable to get warm.
    Tugging on the reins, he pulled the pony to a stop. He fumbled out the locater crystal compass and map from a deep pocket under the cloak. Speaking an incantation, he held the compass over the map, trying to stop everything from flapping away, to see if he could learn their position. He wasn’t sure how far he had gone since forced away from the last village that refused him entrance. According to his last check, he believed they remained within the far edge of the northern quadrant near the central city, home of the D’Antuono family. He knew this family was long supporters of the traveling guilds, and he could only hope this remained true.
    “Almost there,” he murmured.
    Replacing everything in the pocket, Kerryll nudged Aychear, sending a bit of magic to him to follow the map’s direction, and they plodded ahead. By the time the brunt of the storm reached them, Kerryll heard the difference in noise. The pony’s footsteps sounded hollow. They had made it to the bridge by the entrance to the D’Antuono’s ancient city. He clicked and nudged the pony across, knowing they couldn’t linger. They needed the protection of the walls to survive. While clip-clopping across the bridge, Kerryll lifted his gaze and saw an opening appear through the snow. Lights hovered and moved. Without prodding, Aychear tossed his head and trotted forward.
    A tall figure appeared and leaned against Aychear’s side to speak. “What are you doing out in this blizzard? Are you insane?”
    “I’m a minstrel looking for a Dark Solstice contract. Am

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