Mike's War: Sequel to Jesse's Starship

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Book: Mike's War: Sequel to Jesse's Starship by Saxon Andrew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Saxon Andrew
He saw the lights far below and knew it was Fort Athens. This camp was under the command of the Russian contingent of trainers and Mike wondered if the success of the platoon was being kept secret. He didn’t think Alexander would have a hidden agenda but he wondered how this success could be kept hidden. His carrier came roaring in and the sonic boom was enormous. He stared at the display on his panel and saw people scrambling in an open area on the south end of the fort. He turned the carrier toward them and used his thrusters to slow down. He saw what looked like a platoon at half strength and wondered what happened to the others. He landed the carrier in front of the recruits and opened the canopy.
    • • •
    Sergeant Chetzen wondered what was going on. The Fort Commander had roused him from a deep sleep and ordered his platoon to assemble outside the armory in full combat gear. What had these loons done that would cause this. Could they have damaged the armory? He never should have allowed them to use it after hours. It did not improve their scores. He decided that he would stop it once this was over. He saw the carrier come roaring in from high altitude and felt as much as heard the sonic boom of its approach. Someone was going to have to pay for the broken glass in the barracks. The canopy of the carrier opened and he was shocked. The crimson colored uniform appeared and he knew the Planetary Commander was here. He yelled, “Platoon! Atennnshun!” The platoon snapped to attention and he saluted.
    • • •
    The platoon saw the man getting out of the military carrier was wearing a crimson colored uniform. Only one person on the planet was authorized to wear that color. Everyone began fearing that they were in deep trouble.
    Mike walked up to the platoon and returned Sgt. Chetzen’s salute. “Sergeant, take your platoon into the armory and I want to see them against a force two, eight, squad, and platoon size Gracken charge.”
    “Sir, the armory will not operate until after six AM.”
    “Sergeant, follow my orders.”
    Chetzen felt a cold chill go down his spine and he did an about face and said, “Platoon…about face. Forward…march.” The platoon marched into the armory and remained at attention. Chetzen said, “Computer, load the force of two program.”
    “My systems will not be operational for another two hours and twenty five minutes.”
    Mike pressed button on his left collar and said, “Computer, do you recognize my transponder?”
    “I do.”
    “You will follow any orders you are given until told to do otherwise.”
    “Force two program loaded.”
    Mike walked back to the row of chairs and left the platoon standing at attention. Chetzen selected two recruits to step up and start the program. Mike stared at the platoon closely and saw most of them were looking at one of their number in the third rank. He would shake his head slightly and they would look away. Mike glanced at the two on the platform and saw they were overrun in less than twenty seconds. Their time was horrid. He heard the Sergeant giving them grief at embarrassing him in front of Sparta’s Leader.
    Mike remained silent and watched the programs run. He saw that as the numbers of recruits taking part increased, their performance improved dramatically. They were really good at using good overlapping fields of fire, but all of them were overrun by the computer programs. He watched the ones that took part in the exercises and it didn’t take him long to see that this platoon hated their Training Sergeant. He wondered why.
    The squad size program ended and Mike heard the door to armory open and then slam. He turned and saw Alex walking quickly into the armory; he walked up on the stage and slammed his fist into Sgt. Chetzen’s forehead dropping him like a bad transmission.
    Mike jumped up, “General Dunlov, is there a reason for your behavior!?!”
    • • •
    Alex looked at the back of the room and came to attention. He

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