Mick Sinatra: The Harder They Fall

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Book: Mick Sinatra: The Harder They Fall by Mallory Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory Monroe
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on this
thoroughfare, and pile your wife’s on top of it.   Who paid you to force this accident?”
    Roz was
astounded by Mick’s perception of these people.   How could he think they were being paid at all?   What did he see that she didn’t see?
paying us,” the driver said.   “I don’t
know what you’re talking about, sir.”
    “So you
expect me to believe that your sudden brake slam was innocent?” Mick asked.
    The driver
knew he couldn’t insult the man’s intelligence.   He obviously knew better.   “No,
sir,” he said.   “I’m not saying
that.   But nobody paid us to do it,
honest.   We do it by ourselves.”
frowned.   “You do what by yourselves?”
fraud,” the woman said.   “We don’t know
what this is about,” she added nervously, “but we didn’t think she was anybody
special.   I mean, we didn’t know she
belonged to somebody like you or we wouldn’t have done it.”
    Roz was
amazed.   “So you caused this accident on
purpose?” she asked.
    The woman
nodded.   The man spoke.   “This is what we do.   We go from town to town doing it.    Most people just give us some money at the
scene, and sometimes we file a claim.   But nobody’s putting us up to it.   It’s just how we supplement our income.”
    Roz smiled
and shook her head.   “I’ll be damn,” she
said.   “I never would have guessed it in
a million years.   I’m thinking I’m
dealing with Ma and Pa Kettle when I’m really dealing with Bonnie and Clyde!”
    Mick’s men
laughed.   Even Bonnie and Clyde relaxed.
    But Mick
didn’t.   Because he wasn’t buying their oh golly gee act.   He wasn’t buying it at all.   “Ted!” he yelled.
hurried to his father’s side.   Joey and
Gloria, still inside the Maserati, leaned forward to see what was about to go
    “Yes, sir?”
Teddy asked as he hurried up to Mick.
    “Take them
to McCormick.”   McCormick was the name of one of Mick’s safe houses on McCormick
Blvd.   “They’re bullshitting me now.   Taking me for a fool.   Get the real story.   Stay there until their asses tell you who’s
the brains behind the act.”
    “But I told
you there is no one else,” the driver pleaded.   “It’s just the two of us, sir.   It’s just my wife and I!”
    Mick ignored
him.   Teddy looked at Mick’s men.   “You heard the boss.   Let’s get this show on the road!”
    Mick’s men
grabbed the couple and put them in the SUV.   Angelo drove the couple’s beat up van away, while Teddy and the others
drove off in the SUV.   Danny Padrone
remained with Roz’s inoperable Rolls, to wait on the wrecker.   Then Mick looked at Roz.
    “You think
it’s more than just a scam?” she asked him.   “They look like a couple of hillbillies to me.   But I know.   Never judge a book by its cover.”
    “What did I
tell you?” Mick asked her.
    Roz was
slightly puzzled.   “What do you
mean?   About that couple?”
    “About your ass!” Mick fired at her.   “Didn’t I tell you to stay in that car?”
frowned.   “I did stay in it!”   Then she realized that wasn’t entirely
true.   If she had stayed in the car, she
would still be in the car.   “I stayed in
until you came,” she said.
    Mick looked
at her.   He was dead serious.
    “How was I
supposed to know they were crooks, Mick?”
weren’t,” Mick responded.   “I am supposed
to know it.   That’s my job.   That’s why when I tell you to do something,
you do it.   From start to finish!   I have to know that you’ll do what I say,
Rosalind, in situations like this.”   His
heart was hammering when he got the call from her.   He wasn’t sure how many more calls like that
he could take.
    When Roz
realized how pained Mick looked, she immediately realized her error.   She reached out to him.   He pulled her into his arms.   “I’m sorry, babe,” she said.   “It won’t happen again.”

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