Micanopy in Shadow

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Book: Micanopy in Shadow by Ann Cook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Cook
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    “Yes, my name’s actually Brandy.”
    Ms. Marco nodded and led her past the living room into a smaller room with a bay window. Bookshelves lined one wall. Brandy noted several volumes on Eastern religions and yoga. The morning sun gave only a dim light, and Ms. Marco switched on a lamp. Unlike accounts she had read about mediums operating in semi-darkness, this one seemed to welcome illumination.
    Brandy had planned not to provide much information. “I hope you can help me learn the truth about an event—something that happened in my family’s past.” This statement shouldn’t give many clues. Everyone who came for a reading must want to know something about the past, probably about someone who had died.
    Ms. Marco gestured to an armchair in the center of the room and took a seat in front of Brandy. “I make no promises,” she said. “I can only tell you what comes to me.” Her dark eyes fixed Brandy with a gaze that was both pleasant and searching. “First, I would like us both to get comfortable and quiet. Close your eyes and meditate for a few minutes.”
    Brandy obeyed. She tried to stop the chatter in her thinking mind and remember her yoga deep breathing. After the calming interlude, Ms. Marco asked, “Would you like me to record the reading?” Brandy nodded. She would be glad to have the record. It would be more accurate than notes written later. The medium punched on the recorder beside her. “You are a person who organizes your day carefully,” she said. Brandy thought of the notations on her desk calendar at home, and was surprised. She did start each new page with a list of tasks to be accomplished that day. A smile flickered at the corners of the medium’s lips. “But you don’t organize everything in your household so well.” Brandy remembered arguments with John about untidy rooms, and found herself nodding again.
    Ms. Marco’s gentle voice continued. “I feel that you have been working hard on some dirty job, like planting flowers or maybe cleaning out a garage.”
    Here the medium was off base, and Brandy shook her head. Many mediums asked the subject of a reading to verify correct statements and identify incorrect ones. Brandy knew this request provided clues. Still, indicating the truth of a statement might simply be a form of cooperation. She knew some mediums asked their subjects to withhold feedback until the reading ended.
    Ms. Marco moved to a different topic. “You are a person who feels strongly about your work. You become deeply involved, perhaps too much so. Often you feel you have a duty to others. You are interested in talking to many people—not for conversation—for work. I associate you with paper, lots of it.”
    Once again, Brandy was startled. Yet she knew that many people felt strongly about the importance of their work, and the observation would be accepted by almost everyone.
    Again, Ms. Marco shifted emphasis and made her first reference to a person who had died. “Someone is here now who feels very warm toward you—an older man. He could be an uncle or a father. He wants to give you a hug. He carries a book. Does that mean anything to you?”
    Brandy felt a tug at her heart. She thought of her father, a social studies teacher—gone now these twelve years.
    “He’s a person who dealt with a great many people in his career and was highly respected.” Again, Brandy’s skepticism surfaced. Her father certainly filled that bill, but most subjects would believe their loved ones did. “He wants you to know he is with you, watching over you.” The medium paused, adding “If you want to make contact with a specific person, I’d like to hold something of theirs.”
    Brandy reached into her bag and gave Ms. Marco the cameo brooch. The ivory face gleamed in the lamplight. As soon as Ms. Marco’s fingers closed over it, her eyes widened. She sat for a few seconds; then her hands began to shake. She gasped, “Oh, this is terrible! Terrible!

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