
Read Online Mesmerized by Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins - Free Book Online

Book: Mesmerized by Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Cole, Bella Love-Wins
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meet up with Ashley. We meet at our favorite lunch spot. We both order the soup and salad.
    “How’s the order coming?” I ask as we find a clean table to sit at.
    “Not as good as expected. I went to three stores yesterday and couldn’t get everything I needed. I actually have a favor to ask you. I know it’s your day off, but would you mind stopping and taking Maci out for a walk after this? I haven’t been home all day, and now I have to drive to Tacoma, so it will be awhile before I get back for the night. And you know how crazy she is with her routine.”
    Maci is Ashley’s golden retriever. She is totally adorable but also totally neurotic. The dog has an internal clock set with all her daily activities and if she doesn’t get what she wants, she tends to get very destructive. It’s ironic because Ashley completely lacks a schedule or routine; it’s more of a crazy dance through life. Secretly, I think Maci has helped her get things a little more stable. Kind of like a life coach…except she’s a dog.
    “Sure, not a problem. I was going to try to get out and walk anyways, since I had company this morning and didn’t get to my workout,” I agree, laughing.
    She shoots me a quizzical glance as our food is set before us. We both dive into our meals, but I catch her up on current events in between bites.
    “You know the weirdest thing?” I say. “I could have sworn I saw Brandon at the farmer’s market. But when I did a double take he was gone. It’s like he’s haunting me or something.” I make dramatic spooky noises accompanied by ghost-like hand gestures. Or at least what I imagine ghost hands would look like. I’ve never seen one.
    Ashley laughs but then cuts off. “Wait! I think I see him right now.”
    “Ghost Brandon?” I ask.
    “No! Real Brandon!”
    “That’s not funny. Be serious, Ash.” I roll my eyes.
    “No, I am being serious! Look,” she hisses, nodding towards the front windows of the restaurant. Sure enough, there he is, walking across the street.
    And heading in our direction!
    I panic, slurp down the rest of my soup, and proceed to stuff my whole roll into my mouth. I have no idea why.
    Ashley looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.
    Maybe I have…
    The door opens and he strides in. For a split second I consider diving under the table. Ashley, however, has other plans.
    “Hey! Brandon!” Ashley yells across the room, leaning out of her seat and waving to get his attention.
    He looks over just in time to watch me start to choke on my roll. I try to stop gagging and coughing, but the more I try to stifle it, the worse it gets.
    I’m going to kill Ashley.
    I start eying my fork, wondering if that would do the trick.
    “Hi Ashley, Charity,” he says, approaching our table with caution. “You okay?”
    His eyes pierce mine with concern. I sputter and take a large sip of water.
    It takes me a minute to speak and my voice sounds scratchy. “Yep, I’m great.”
    Ashley looks back at me and her eyes say it all. She’s pissed.
    I try to silently will her to keep it together, but it’s pointless. Ashley can be a bit of a bulldog when she gets fired up.
    “Having a nice visit?” she asks, her voice dripping with acidic sarcasm.
    Brandon looks like he’s trying to calculate how to step around an angry rattlesnake.
    Smart man.
    “Um, it’s been all right,” he answers.
    “It’s nice to see you, because I actually have a few things I would like to say,” she begins. “I would have said them in context of when things happened, but you ran away, as most cowards tend to do, and you never gave me the chance.” Her nostrils are practically flaring with each breath.
    Is hiding under the table still an option?
    “I know that Charity has forgiven you for what you did, but I want you to know that what you did to her is unforgivable!”
    “I know it is,” Brandon says. He doesn’t look at Ashley when he says it. His eyes are still on me and my heart feels a sharp

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