Meet Me at Taylor Park

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Book: Meet Me at Taylor Park by Jason W. Chan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason W. Chan
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    Katie could barely hear him as the wind rushed in her ears.
    “Hell yeah!” she yelled.
    “Alright, when I say now, we jump harder, OK?”
    She looked in his eyes and gave him a big nod.
    They landed on the fabric and he said, “Now!”
    With all the strength in her legs, she hopped up.
    Brandon pointed in a direction. “There!”
    She turned her head and saw a magnificent mountain. It was snowcapped and had lights around it, like a Christmas hat.
    They landed on the fabric. Brandon shouted, “Now!”
    They shot into the air and Brandon yelled, “There!”
    She turned her head and saw the mighty Fraser River. It was bubbling and reflected all the lights from the moon and stars. It was a mirror of the heavens.
    Katie stared at the sight until they landed again.
    Brandon wrapped his arms around her. “Last time! Now!”
    They jumped and he said, “There!”
    She turned her head and saw blackness mixed with sparkling light from the cities. She was in awe.
    They finally landed in a heap on the fabric, limbs entangled. Their heart rates and breathing were slowing down, but they couldn’t stop laughing.
    “That was so fun!” Katie exclaimed.
    “I know, wasn’t it? But I’m exhausted!”
    “How did you find this place?”
    “I stumbled on it yesterday.”
    When their heart rates and breathing were back to normal, they lay on the trampoline, spooning.
    Brandon kissed the back of Katie’s neck. “You have such a beautiful neck. Really smooth.” He inhaled and the scent of vanilla tickled his nostrils.
    She giggled. “Stop it. It tickles.”
    He rested his hands on her waist.
    The only sound was crickets chirping.
    She sighed. Now she knew what being perfectly content was like.
    When the wind grew cold, she put her hands on his. Then, she said, “Hold me closer.”
    He tightened his grip.
    There was silence.
    Then, Katie said, “I don’t know a lot about you, Brandon Morrissey. Tell me something about yourself.”
    Brandon sighed, and his breath stroked Katie's neck.
    “Let’s see. Where to begin? My father’s an investment banker in Toronto. He wants me to follow in the family business, but I don’t really think that’s for me.”
    “What do you want to do?”
    “I want to do something for people. Promise you won’t laugh at me.”
    She said nothing.
    He said, “I want you to promise.”
    “OK, I promise.”
    “You know those farms down on Marine Drive?”
    She nodded.
    He stroked her neck with one finger. “Well, I always wondered what it would be like if I became a farmer and grew food for people. My grandfather has a farm down in Langley.”
    He shifted in his position, so that he was lying on his side and looking at her intensely. “I hate big cities. I’ve always hated going to visit my dad as a kid in Toronto. All those artificial streets, pavements, buildings, stores.” He made a face, as though he had discovered a fly in his soup. Then, his expression changed to dreamy. “I’ve always loved the countryside. Growing up, my favorite memory is going to my grandpa’s farm close by. I would help him plant apple trees, and then my grandma would make apple pies for us.”
    His eyes were far away. “I remember playing hide and seek in the cornstalk maze with my cousins.”
    He laughed, rubbing his eyes. “Best memories of my life. So I’ve always wondered what it would be like if I actually did run a farm.”
    She laughed. “That’s a funny dream.”
    “It wouldn’t be so funny if you ran out of oregano and came begging me to grow you some,” he said in a joking tone.
    She slapped his hands gently. “Would you grow me some if I needed it?”
    He nodded, rubbing his nose against her neck. “You bet I would. I’ll buy you a whole oregano farm and plant oregano plants.” He grinned. “We can have pasta for dinner every night.”
    Brandon looked at her sincerely. “I promise.”
    She turned around and pinned him down on the fabric. She climbed on top of him, and then stared

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