MC Biker Romance: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Taken (Secret Baby Biker Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Pregnancy Romance)

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Book: MC Biker Romance: BAD BOY ROMANCE: Taken (Secret Baby Biker Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Pregnancy Romance) by Casey Elliot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casey Elliot
    "You two are pathetic," Rex looked at them with disdain. "You wanted to be the tough guy when you took over my family, so why don't you man-up now and do as you're told."
    Neil was shaking uncontrollably, his knees knocking together as he cried. Here it goes, he thought. If I die... I'm doing it for Brandy. He placed his fingertip gently to the trigger and took a deep breath.
    "Now or never," he whispered.
    And, he squeezed.
    There was nothing but a faint clicking sound. He was alive. For now...
    "Now it's your turn."
    Rex grabbed the gun again and handed it over to the young girl.
    "Please! Don't make me do it!" she wailed.
    Rex wanted to smack her across the face, but he didn't need to. He just glared at her, his eyes ferocious, and she complied. Holding the gun awkwardly to her face, she wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. She counted to three in her head and squeezed the trigger quickly, hoping she wouldn't feel a thing if she died.
    Again, there was the clicking sound of an empty chamber.
    "You were both lucky this time," Rex laughed. "But, there are four more rounds left."
    The two hostages couldn't believe the man could be so crazy. Neil had heard stories from Brandy; of course, tales about how crazy the man was, but he could never have believed he was like this.
    The gun was handed back to Neil, and this time, he was too exhausted to argue. He relented and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. His life had been spared for now. It was then Laura's turn once again, and this time, she hesitated for a second longer, certain that the probability of death was now more likely. But, with no other choice, she pulled the trigger. Once again, her life was saved.
    Rex was thoroughly enjoying himself now, and he stood in front of them like a grand showmaster.
    "Well then!" he raised his arms. "It would seem one of you has got to die in the next few seconds; only two rounds, only one bullet. Who's it to be?"
    Neil and Laura were now huddled together, their tears splashing on the concrete below them.
    "I think... that this time, it should be ladies first." Rex handed Laura the gun. "You know, shake things up a little."
    She took it gingerly from his meaty hand, and with a great sadness, held it to her head. She was certain she was going to die, but with her body in a state of shock, she didn't much care anymore. The last few minutes had been a nightmare, but the trauma had numbed her. She looked at Neil before she took her turn. Maybe she was still in with a slight chance... It was fifty-fifty now, and that meant she could survive. She held onto this thought as her frail finger touched the trigger. She clenched her eyes shut and...
    Nothing... just the faint clicking sound.
    She breathed a sigh of relief and fell backward onto the floor, her eyes being blinded by the overhead lights. I am alive, she thought. There must be a God.
    Meanwhile, Neil knew what was coming. There were no other options. He couldn't hold back his tears, and he began to rock back and forth. As he looked up at Rex, he thought for a second that maybe he could fight the guy; tackle him to the ground and beat him, but he knew he couldn't. Rex was more beast than man, and had plenty of experience whereas Neil was a scrawny guy. He'd never been in a fight in his life and; at least, four of his arms could fit into one of Rex's. There was no use.
    He took the gun back and readied himself for death. For a briefest moment, he thought he deserved it. I should have known better than to get with a biker's lady, and I should never have cheated on her. Both she and Ricky deserve so much better. He thought he was a sorry excuse for a man, and he held the gun to his temple for the third time. Laura was looking at him, waiting for the blood spatter to hit her face.
    "I'm ready," said Neil. "I'm ready to receive my fate," he croaked out his last words through his tears, and then pulled the trigger.
    Nothing happened.
    "Oh my God!" a woman's voice shrieked

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