Mating Fever

Read Online Mating Fever by Celeste Anwar - Free Book Online

Book: Mating Fever by Celeste Anwar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celeste Anwar
she knew they must be. Jessica struggled to her knees, planting her
palms on the ground, clutching two handfuls of grit and rock as she
rose to her feet.
    The scuffle of feet told her one lunged, and
she threw a handful of dirt at his face, whirling to throw it at
another. They cursed, growling almost inhumanly as she dashed past
them, guided only by sound and touch now. The main path opened
before her, so close she could taste freedom and safety.
    A hand closed in her hair, yanking her back.
Rough hands groped her breasts, her waist, her hips, everywhere on
her body. Jessica screamed in fury and fought them, but they were
all around, holding her arms, holding her legs as they brought her
to the ground.
    One of them lifted her skirt and tore her
panties away, burning the flesh of her hips as the thin fabric gave
way. She kicked at him, satisfied to hear him grunt with pain as
she connected with his dick, and then her legs were roughly hauled
apart with bruising force.
    Jessica screamed again, snapping her teeth at
the hands that held her, rising off the ground as she bucked
against their hold. Rough jeans slid up the insides of her thighs.
She smelled the musky scent of bare cock and thought she’d throw
    They were going to rape her.
    And there was nothing she could do about
    * * * *
    Gabriel’s wolfen senses burst to life a
second before the faint scream echoed on the night air like the cry
of a dove. His head snapped up, his pulse hammered, his body went
tense with sudden, repressed violence.
    He knew instantly who the cry came
from--Jessica. The sound of his chosen one in danger reverberated
through his being.
    He cocked his head, centering on her
location, though her voice had faded away. She was in the cemetery,
where he’d told her not to go, where he’d followed her anyway. He
was close, but not nearly close enough.
    He threw his head back as the wolf inside
growled, erupting from his throat in fury, a haunting challenge
that carried on the air.
    For the first time in his life, he was out of
control. He wasn’t near enough to her. She could be dead even now.
Hurt. Raped and ruined.
    He refused to believe that.
    He took off at a run, low to the ground,
lower, leaping over obstacles in his path until he was flying with
the speed of strength borne of desperation. The quickening surged
in his blood, spread through his muscles, invading his every pore.
The beast was eager for blood, eager to protect its claim. He
recognized the cry for what it was--the sound of prey.
    Someone hunted his woman.
    He would kill them for hurting her.

Chapter Five
    The man bent over her. Hot, fetid breath
spilled over her face and chest like a palpable force. He stank
like a dog, his feral stench turning her stomach. He growled and
nuzzled her breasts roughly, as if she’d invited him to touch and
    She strained against her fleshly bonds, but
the hands holding her down yielded nothing, allowing her not even
the slightest movement.
    Hopelessness crept into her, growing like a
    “No!” she screamed. Her ears desperately
searched the air for sounds of rescue that would not come.
    Jessica gnashed her teeth, unwilling to
succumb to it. She swore to kill them if given the chance.
    In the distance, a dog howled at the moon.
She wondered dimly if it was one of Gabriel’s werewolves prowling
the night. She’d never be so lucky.
    The man on top of her halted suddenly,
sniffing the air. He snarled, growling deep in his chest, like a
Doberman giving warning to a trespasser. Jessica felt her heart and
lungs freeze--there wasn’t enough air to breathe.
    One of the others snapped his jaws, growling
in response. The hairs rose on her skin, shivers crawling over her
like swarming ants. Why didn’t they speak? Their animalistic
behavior kept pushing her to the edge, panic dulling her mind. She
swallowed against the

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