Mate of Her Heart

Read Online Mate of Her Heart by R. E. Butler - Free Book Online

Book: Mate of Her Heart by R. E. Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: R. E. Butler
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal, Werewolves & Shifters
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help with their blindness from the mace, but as long as they kept out of the main fight, then she didn’t care what they did.
    Vince tossed Luke off himself and Luke rolled on the ground and came up into a fighting stance.  He was bleeding down his arms and from his sides.  She could see the wetness staining his dark shirt.
    Vince howled and shifted, his clothes ripping away in the process as his human form twisted and broke until a large gray wolf stood before Luke.  Vince had shifted into his form during a fight, which told Eveny that Luke was beating him and Vince was going to cheat.  It was unfair for a wolf to fight a human.
    She pressed her palms against the window as tears filled her eyes.  What hope did Luke have?
    The wolf charged, and at the last minute, Luke leapt to the side and Vince passed by him, his claws digging into the dirt as he tried to round on Luke but missed.  Vince snarled and bolted towards Luke, leaping into the air and landing on top of him, knocking him to the ground.  There was a cracking sound and Eveny feared it was Luke’s neck, but then she saw a brilliant red light and heard a wolf’s pain-filled howl.
    Her eyes widened as Vince’s fur caught fire as Luke pressed whatever the red glow was against Vince’s body.  Luke shoved him away and the wolf rolled to the side, a flare sticking out of his side.  The flames died quickly and Luke stood slowly and turned towards the SUV.
    “Get out of here and take your friends with you,” Luke said, his voice filled with fury.  She’d never heard him sound so commanding.
    Taylor, who had been hiding inside the SUV, came out slowly, his head ducked down in deference and his hands at his sides.  He didn’t speak, but moved swiftly to Vince’s body and lifted him, carrying him to the SUV.  Barry roused Rufus and helped him to stand.  She didn’t know if they could see with the mace in their eyes well enough to get back to town, and she actually didn’t care.
    When the SUV pulled away, she slipped to the floor in relief and let the tears fall.  She’d been too keyed up to actually cry, and she shook with residual fear.  Luke could have died.  The last words that she would have spoken to him would have been, “I promise.”  Not I love you or I want you to be mine .
    “Baby?”  Luke knocked on the door.  “They’re gone.  Let me in.”
    Her whole world centered on the sound of his voice and her wolf howled in her mind.  Luke had rescued her.  Saved her life.  And he was here now and, yeah, she was still in heat.  Her body flooded with heat immediately, all fear washed away as a tide of powerful need rolled through her.
    This wasn’t her plan.  Her plan had been blown sky high when those wolves showed up.  She was relieved that Luke had saved her, but she wasn’t ready to talk to him about her heat-cycle.
    What would happen if she opened the door?
    What would happen if she didn’t?

    Chapter 6
    Luke watched the SUV pull away.  The tires spun on the dry ground and rocks spit behind them as it lurched forward in their attempt to flee.  He’d never seen wolves act so frightened before, but they sure did seem to be scared of him.  Which was a good thing.  He didn’t want them to regroup and come back up here with reinforcements.
    The smell of burnt fur and skin hung in the air and he looked at the place where Vince had been.  He wasn’t sure if the wolf was alive or dead, and he didn’t care.  He had successfully defended Eveny and even managed to live to tell the tale.
    He looked down at himself.  He couldn’t see much in the darkness, but the spill of light from the cabin window was enough to illuminate the blood on his arms.  They hurt like a bitch, as well as his sides, and some other places on his body he was sure had cuts and bruises.  He didn’t want Eveny to see him beat all to hell, but he needed to get into the house and make sure she was okay and then clean up.  He hoped

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