Master of Darkness

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Book: Master of Darkness by Angela Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Knight
two impressive-looking villas. It was the middle of the night, and other than a lone pickup rumbling by, there was no traffic at all. Kadir strode down the dark street with a vampire’s fearless stride, only to pause in mid-step, head lifting, dark gaze searching the shadows. The microphone picked up an odd sliding rustle, followed by a long, menacing hiss.
    The camera’s view spun sickeningly to an alley between a hotel and a restaurant. A massive shape moved in the darkness, moonlight glinting on steel. Something blue glowed in the darkness, and hooves rang on the pavement, striking sparks.
    The cobra shot from the alley like a runaway train, hissing, eyes burning red against the black gleam of its scales. Its body was easily three feet in diameter; there was no way to tell how long it was. It flashed toward Kadir, scales raking over the pavement with a gritty rasp. Its jaws gaped wide, fangs the length of a man’s forearm catching the moonlight.
    “Holy God,” Justice murmured in horror. “That fucking thing is huge.”
    “And a hell of a lot faster than you’d think,” Tristan told him.
    Kadir leaped aside, avoiding the snake with a bullfighter’s grace as he swung his AK-47 off his shoulder. He fired in a series of thundering bursts that raked the huge snake’s length as it plowed past.
    The Beast’s scales flared blue, sending Kadir’s bullets ricocheting harmlessly. The snake whipped around and reared over the vampire, its hood spreading wide, the cream scales of its endless belly shining like porcelain.
    Kadir opened up on it again, this time aiming for its eyes. Something blue shone between them, an oval light, possibly some kind of gemstone, embedded right in the center of its skull. Light flared from the stone, and the slugs ricocheted off into the night.
    The vampire danced back, ducking the flying bullets. Glaring up at the towering snake, he spat something in his native Potwari that was obviously a disgusted curse.
    Hooves thundered on pavement, a backbeat for a long, chilling howl. Kadir spun, dark eyes widening as he aimed his weapon at the newest threat.
    An enormous centaur exploded from the alley, all muscular power and lethal intent. The thing looked as though someone had crossed a Clydesdale with a demon from a video game. The torso fused with the horse body didn’t look human—it was too broad, all exaggerated slabs of muscle covered in jutting plate armor that made it appear even more alien. The creature’s armored gauntlets were tipped in dagger claws, and it carried a battle-axe that looked as if it could fell a California redwood.
    Adding to the menacing effect, the Beast’s armor was engraved with runes cut into the thick steel. Long spikes jutted from the creature’s armored chest, forelegs, and dinner plate–sized hooves, ready to impale anyone who got too close.
    The centaur’s helm had no visor, presumably to accommodate that wolf muzzle. His canines were so long, they protruded from his upper and lower jaws like tusks even when his mouth was closed. Orange eyes glowed from the beast’s lupine head, with another blue gem embedded between them. Pointed ears lay flat against its skull as it snarled, lips lifting to display those vicious teeth.
    “Evil-looking bastard.” Conal frowned, shooting a worried look at his sister. He plainly didn’t like the thought of Branwyn getting so close to either monster.
    “And in his case, looks are not deceiving,” she told him. Aislyn moved over to loop a comforting arm around her waist and give her a quick hug. “I felt like I was trapped in a nightmare. Even though none of them could see me, I was scared out of my mind.”
    “You had reason to be.” Justice eyed Conal as if to make sure her brother got the point. “You could have been trampled or crushed without them knowing you were even there.”
    And once again, Miranda felt a prickle of pure green jealousy. She ground her teeth and tried to ignore it.
    Kadir opened fire, but

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