Marissa Day

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Book: Marissa Day by The Seduction of Miranda Prosper Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Seduction of Miranda Prosper
asked Darius. Darius sat upright on the other side of the bed, one leg tucked under him and one foot on the floor. His spent cock lolled against his thigh.
    “As you see.” Corwin sighed contentedly, running his free hand down the side of Miranda’s breast. She snuggled closer, enjoying the feel of his warm chest against her. “Lie down, Darius. Rest awhile. No one will be stirring for a good hour yet.”
    Darius growled, but he did lie down at Miranda’s left side. He did not, however, relax at all, and he eyed Corwin over Miranda’s head. What passed between them, she did not know, but slowly, with a hesitation that was either reluctance or a misplaced bashfulness, Darius stroked her cheek with the calloused tip of one finger. It was a tender and intimate touch, and it made her reach out in return, to trace a line from Darius’s jaw down his throat to his shoulder. She wondered at the strength of him, at how his form could be so beautiful to her eyes and even more so to her hands.
    Corwin dipped his head close and kissed the tip of her ear. “He is magnificent, isn’t he?”
    “Stop it,” grumbled Darius, but he didn’t pull away from Miranda’s curious fingers.
    “Ticklish too,” went on Corwin. “Shall I tell you where?”
    Miranda could not have said why, but it was that comment that brought her once more back to reality. Here she was, in her own bedchamber, naked in bed with two equally naked men. Two men who had not only been boldly, shockingly intimate with her, but who also obviously shared an equally bold, and even more shockingly intimate, relationship with each other.
    It was as if cold water had been dashed in her face. Miranda sat up abruptly, crossing her arms over her breasts and looking around frantically for something to cover herself with.
    Darius slid a sideways glance to Corwin, who simply got up and went into her dressing room. She heard the rush of fabric and a moment later he returned with her turquoise night-robe, which he handed to her. Reluctantly unfolding one arm from her breasts, Miranda took it. As swiftly as she was able, she stood and wrapped the robe around herself, cinching the belt tight before double knotting it.
    Darius picked himself off the bed and crossed to the window. He leaned his forearm against the wall, staring out at the waning night.
    “P-Perhaps you should go,” stammered Miranda, her gaze darting from one man to the other.
    “Not before we talk,” said Corwin. “You need to know what has happened here tonight, and why.”
    Miranda clutched the satin lapels of her robe beneath her chin. “Is there really any need? It was simply one of those things that happen between men and women ...”
    Darius gave a most ungentleman-like snort. “Put on a pair of breeches, Corwin. In this state, you’ll only make things more difficult for her.”
    Corwin nodded. “Good idea.”
    Miranda was willing to swear she did not even blink. One moment, Corwin was stark naked in front of her, and the next he was clad in a dressing gown of burgundy velvet trimmed with black satin. She could see a white shirt underneath the robe. A pair of furred slippers covered his feet.
    Miranda staggered backward. “How ...”
    “Stop it,” said Darius sternly behind her. “You knew well before this there was magic happening around you. Don’t turn fainting fool on us now.”
    His words stung her pride and Miranda straightened her shoulders. “I am not a fool; neither am I prone to fainting,” she said, even though seeing Darius now dressed in a fashion similar to Corwin did nothing for her composure.
    Darius nodded once. “Good.”
    Corwin looked from one of them to the other, with something perilously close to amusement coloring his expression. Miranda frowned hard at him, and his face at once became a mask of perfect sobriety.
    “Explain yourself,” she ordered.
    Corwin raised his eyebrow a trifle, and the smile that played about his expressive mouth threatened to turn charmingly

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