Marine Park: Stories

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Book: Marine Park: Stories by Mark Chiusano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Chiusano
Tags:, Fluffer Nutter
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old. A block away they walked past the PTSD firemen outside the Mariners Inn. For a long time they’d been doing just the same thing. They found ways to get a week’s vacation. Timothy wouldn’t let her drive until they were well into Maryland. They didn’t talk on car rides anymore, like they had when they first started dating, five years before—even when they couldn’t find a radio station. For a while Courtney talked to her parents on her cell phone. Timothy felt that he knew them almost as well as he knew his own. He hadn’t stopped for a bathroom break until D.C.
    The two of them looked out at the bay, where there was one red light blinking: a lighthouse. Timothy, rebuffed in his advances, settled for leaning backward on the railing so he could look half at her and half at the old hotel.
    It’s creepy out here, he said.
    I don’t think it is, she said. She had picked the place after hearing her coworker talk about it in a hushed voice on her office phone. More than romantic, the coworker had whispered. Southern. Timothy was convinced when she promised him there would be opportunities to swim, his largest indicator of a vacation.
    Well, it is, he said, brushing a no-see-um off his chest. There’s no people around. It’s like there’s a curfew or something.
    It seemed to Timothy that this bothered Courtney.
    Why would there be a curfew? she said.
    I don’t know, maybe it was in the fine print somewhere, he said. Half off the hotel reservations and free dinners as long as you’re in by ten.
    But that doesn’t even make sense, she said.
    Maybe it’s because of those wolves we just saw.
    They were deer, Tim!
    Maybe these are bloodsucking deer.
    Courtney angled her body into Timothy. Bloodsucking deer! she fake squealed.
    You never know in these places, he said. You just can’t tell.
    They watched the lighthouse blink red and dark for a while. Timothy stroked Courtney’s shoulder. She didn’t pull away.
    Maybe the vampire deer are owned by the hotel, Courtney said, her breath in his ear. Maybe it’s all a setup.
    I bet the valets are in on the whole thing, Timothy whispered. That’s why they keep hopping into those go-carts—to let the deer out from their cages.
    Courtney giggled. Timothy pressed on. By day, he said in his movie-announcer voice, they feed them the carcasses of dead guests, and once it gets dark, they go loose.
    Courtney turned in toward Timothy and held each of his jacket lapels in her hands. She pushed her forehead into his chest. Save me, Tim, save me! she shouted.
    He felt something triumphant. There was a heaviness in his throat. Maybe this trip would make him better at this. He was running out of ideas. He said, That’s my job.
    He knew it was the wrong thing to say once her forehead stopped kneading his chest.
    What the hell’s that supposed to mean? she said.
    From the bloodsucking deer, he added.
    She let go of his neck. For a while they leaned against the railing next to each other. Timothy waited for something to happen.
    Aren’t you going to say something? Courtney said.
    I don’t really know what the problem is, Timothy said. Courtney started walking back to the hotel.
    Jesus, Courtney, he said.
    I want to go home, she said.
    Courtney, come on, he said again. She didn’t answer.
    She walked the long slow curved lamp-lit path toward the hotel porch. There were plants hanging off the rafters, green overgrown ones, their pots sprinkled with dried-out petals and swaying in the dead air. She ignored the valet who tipped his cap at her and said, Evening ma’am. She planted herself on one of the white rocking chairs and sat in it, motionless, her face in her hands.
    When eventually she spread her fingers apart and looked through them, to see what the night looked like, the valet was leaning against the railing with his back to her. His khaki shorts, she noticed, had the symbol of the hotel

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