Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2)
tie of my headband around my silky straight hair and examine myself in the reflection of the window. My blonde curls are tied back and shining in the summer sun; the dress makes my breasts appear larger than they actually are as it hugs them equally with a snug fit.
    I knock on a huge oak varnished door and my heart skips a beat. The handle turns and the door opens to no one other than Ricardo, appearing on the other side. Ricardo is standing in front of me, smiling his white tooth Hollywood smile. His black hair is slicked back and he is wearing a tight casual shirt and ripped designer jeans. I glance at both arms confined within the thin garment with their bulging 24 inch firm biceps in addition to his sculptured pecs, stretching the cotton fabric to its limits. Yes; a mass of rippling muscles and Latino greatness. I wonder to myself, what his penis must look like? “What? You don’t recognize me?” He bellowed, completely interrupting my lustful and dirty train of thought. “Of course I recognize you.” I laugh, glancing down at his ass whilst brushing past him. It is a nice compact steel unit that could have been sculptured out of the finest Italian marble. I imagine grabbing it with both my hands and pulling him inside me. God Llana! What are you like?! It is of no wonder the great Ricardo Alvez has managed to evade photographers’ and tabloids within this secluded mansion. It took me over four hours by car to get here. He closes the door shut behind me. He is even hotter than he was in college, I think to myself as he turns around looking at me up and down before nodding his head, “Llana you haven’t changed too much; still as gorgeous as always. I still remember all those times you rejected me back at Harvard.” I had loads of boys chasing after me but I just wasn’t interested. He removes the sunglasses revealing his greenish jade-like eyes that are only complimented further by his olive tanned skin. There is an awkward moments silence as we both take in each other’s appearance before my mind goes back to the assignment, “I suppose you are here to find out about Almanec’s latest ventures?” He laughs in response and I catch him quickly glancing down at my hard nipples poking through the thin, silk dress, “I’m going to cut to the chase Llana. We’ve known each other a long time now and I know what you are doing. So this is my attempt at mitigation and allowing you and Almanec to save face, and quietly leave Colombia.”
    His Spanish accent makes my blood boil. He was always attractive, but not like this sex-god standing before me. “Don’t be like that. I’m just doing what my employer tells me to do.” I look around the room we are both standing in; it is a lavish affair with crystal cut chandeliers and a curious set of leather straps suspended from the ceiling. Sunshine is piercing through numerous gaps within the strewn up straw blinds hanging from various window arches. There is a curled leather brown whip on display above a large oak mantelpiece. I have heard all the stories about Ricardo’s, as being the setting for numerous orgy type parties and sinful evenings of debauchery. We are soon interrupted by one of his many house-servants who asks Ricardo something in Spanish to which he shakes his head and waves him out the room. “Forgive me! Please sit down and tell me what you would like to drink?” I place my purse down beside me as I sit upon the leather sofa, “Anything with ice in it.” He heads over towards a lavish bottle display and begins to make me something. It is quiet cool in the room with the gentle hum of the air conditioner coming from the ceiling. Ricardo hands me a glass, “Gin and tonic okay with you?” I gladly take it and nod. The ice cool liquid is refreshing as I quickly begin get the ball rolling, “I’m not telling you how to run your business, but you need to expect some competition. Alvez accounts for almost 80 per cent of the textile trade in

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