
Read Online Manslations by Jeff Mac - Free Book Online

Book: Manslations by Jeff Mac Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeff Mac
doesn't realize that women are built differently than men. He's going to need to learn that he needs to do extra stuff to get you there—extra, as in beyond what needs to happen to get him there. Make suggestions of stuff you'd like to “try.” And when it happens, let him see you love it. Rave about it. Communicate that whatever it was really worked.
Just Not Hitting It: He's trying; he's listening; he's paying attention; and he's still just not clueing in. Same advice as the rookie. He's trying, but he needs some signposts along the way. Help him out. You'll get what you want, and he'll learn how to give it to you.
    As you might have noticed, these all involve encouragement. Now, I've heard some women say, “Oh, why do I have to be protecting a man's precious ego in bed?” Well, you don't “have to” do anything. But… don't you like him? Don't you want him to feel good about himself and what he's doing? If not, hey, do whatever you want. But I'll tell you this much—if you're not getting what you want in the sack, well, you're definitely not going to get it by making him feel lousy about what he's doing. (That goes for in and out of bed, for that matter.)

    So there you are. In bed. Or on the floor. Hey, maybe you did it under your porch, for all I know. Wherever you did it, the point is that it's done. What's going on with him now?
    I'm glad you asked me and not him.

MYTH: The Right Guy Will Want to Talk and Cuddle after Sex.
    FACT: Maybe, maybe not.
    For the answer to this one, it's time to go back to fake biology. It might help to think of the male brain as two entirely different characters.
Sex Brain: This is the guy who is in charge of securing the booty. You can think of him as a Viking named Karl. Or maybe Bjorn.
Everything Else Brain: This is the guy who picks up the dry cleaning, gets to work on time, watches Big-foot shows on the Discovery Channel, etc.
    When a man is trying to get a woman into bed, Sex Brain is very, very focused. That becomes the goal. However, the moment that the sex is finished, Sex Brain runs away laughing. Or he falls asleep. The point is, he's gone. Now, the Everything Else Brain can finally take a look around and see what's going on.
    And yes, it's true that if the guy in question is not the right guy, it will likely be in this moment that he beats a hasty retreat. It's like in an old werewolf movie where the guy wakes up; his clothes are all torn up; he's covered in dirt and branches and twigs; and he wonders what in the holy hell happened.
    But even some of the right guys aren't into snuggling and cooing sweet nothings in your ear. Why? I think it's the whole problem-solving thing that our brains are always working on. Once sex is over, well, that's one thing we can check off the list. Our brains are onto the next thing.
    This is why it's not a great idea to ask an unsuspecting man, post sex, what he's thinking about. It's entirely possible that even a very loving man, right after sex, just thought of an awesome way to reorganize the garage.
    Now that you've done it, what happens the next time he's with his idiot friends?

MYTH: When Men Get Together, They Talk about
Sex All the Time.
    FACT: Men talk about women all the time, but that isn't the same thing.
    What men talk about is who they want to have sex with, who they did have sex with, who they were trying to have sex with, who wants to have sex with them, what happened the other night when they were trying to have sex with that girl and their so-called friend totally cockblocked them—but that girl totally wanted to have sex with them.
    This, they talk about all the time. But that's not talking about sex. That's talking about getting sex. Men don't talk about the sex itself all that often. Not with me, anyway. (And if they're talking about it with each other when I'm not around, well, I appreciate

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