Make Me Sweat

Read Online Make Me Sweat by Avril Ashton - Free Book Online

Book: Make Me Sweat by Avril Ashton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avril Ashton
ass. “I’m fucking you, Ever. I’m inside where no one else has ever been.”
    Moisture clouded her eye, blinding her. He put an arm around her
neck and brought her up against his body. Ever went willingly, rising on her
knees. His breath burned across her skin as he kissed and scraped her neck with
his teeth.
    Her hips jerked and he moaned. “Ever.” His arm trembled.
    Frozen in place inside her body, his cock throbbed in time to
their synchronized heartbeats. She rolled her hips, testing out the feel of
him. He inhaled, the arm around her neck tightened.
    “Feel me, Ever,” he rasped. “I’m inside you so deep. We fit, so
perfectly. Don’t deny it. Don’t deny us.”
    Fat tears rolled down her cheeks. How had she ended up here? In
love with the man bent on destroying her life? He didn’t know, but he will
eventually, and all this would’ve been a memory.
    She reached behind her, placing a palm on his hard thigh.
“Dakota, please. Please, just…move.” She whimpered. “Move.”
    He brought his hand to the front and rubbed her clit.
    “Argh.” Her pussy and ass clenched and he hissed.
    “I’m not moving, Ever. Not until you acknowledge this thing
between us. Tell me you feel it.” He rotated his hips slowly. “Tell me you want
it,” he begged.
    “I feel it.” She sobbed. “I want it so bad.” But she couldn’t
have it.
    “Then take it.” He reared back and thrust in, hard.
    She shuddered.
    “Take me.” He pounded into her with deep growls. Ever’s tears ran
freely as her hand replaced his, massaging her clit. He held on to her waist
with both hands as he fucked her ass.
    “Ever. God. Ever, baby.” He bit her ear then sucked on the lobe.
“You’re so tight, so hot. You’re burning me up.”
    “Yes. God, yes.” She slid two fingers into her pussy, fucking
herself as he fucked her. “Ung. So good, Dakota.”
    He snaked a hand to the front of her and pinched a nipple.
    “Fuck.” Her head fell back onto his shoulder.
    “I want you to come.” He rolled her nipple between thumb and
forefinger. “Come all over those fingers of yours. Come all over my cock in your
tight ass.” He drove deeper into her, again and again, wringing hoarse cries
from her throat.
    Ever pinched her clit, hips rocking. Orgasmic heat simmered in
her lower belly and spread, crashing over her and graying her vision.
    He grabbed her chin, turned her face to the side, and caught her
mouth with his, swallowing the rest of her cries. Her body writhed and
shuddered. His cock speared her ass. Hard. Punishing. He stabbed into her one
last time then groaned into her mouth, cock jerking inside her.
    She collapsed onto the bed, face first, taking him with her. He
rolled them onto their backs. The movement dislodged him from her ass. He
grunted and sat up. Eyes on her, he ripped off the condom and dropped it on the
    “Ever.” He lifted her leg, removing one boot then the other.
Sliding his hand up her legs to her thighs, Dakota shifted between her legs.
“Spread for me.”
    Beyond caring, she lowered her lashes and obeyed. He bent and
took a deep breath, inhaling her. A whimper left her throat.
    “You’re so pretty down here, Ever.” He parted her wet folds with
both hands. “Pink perfection, slick with your cream.” His breath whispered
across her clit as he leaned in and licked from clit to hole.
    “Argh.” She arched off the bed.
    “Sssh.” He peeked up at her from below dark lashes, eyes glinting.
“Let me taste you right. I’ve missed your taste, Ever, and I haven’t missed
anything in a long while.” Dipping his head, he pressed his nose to her clit
and stabbed his tongue into her.
    “Dakota, please. Don’t do this, don’t—” She pulled at the sheets,
heart heavy.
    “Don’t what, Ever?” His mouth glistened with her juices, and as
she watched, his tongue flicked out, licking his lips. Her eyelids fluttered,
pussy clenching and unclenching. “Don’t love you?

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