Make Me Stay

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Book: Make Me Stay by M. E. Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. E. Gordon
I sat there silent.
    “Kane, what’s going on?” he asked.
    “Your cousin, that’s what’s going on. She’s found a way to fuck up my head, playing hard to get.”
    Chuckling, JJ took another gulp of coffee. “That bad? Why not sweet talk your way in? It’s worked before for you.”
    “I’m done with her. I just have to get out of my own head. I guess I can’t win them all. Plus, I don’t want to make things weird with B. She’s only staying for the summer then moving on.” I was trying to convince myself of everything I just said and it might have been working, a little.
    The next to join us at the table was Aiden, followed by Reece. “So...carpet...curtains?” Reece asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
    “Nope, not a match, but a pretty good lay,” I added, standing from the table.
    “Gentleman, you’re now looking at the very proud, very exhausted, only male involved in a foursome, which happened after you assholes passed out last night, before boning the ladies you brought home. Thank you!” Trent said, as he strutted into the kitchen.
    Reece called his bluff from the other side of the table. “You’re lying,”
    “Not even a bit. Next time, make sure you fuckers take your ladies to your room before you pass out.”
    “Nice,” I said, before setting my cup in the sink.
    Grabbing my keys, I headed for the back door.
    “Where the hell are you going?” Reece asked.
    “BJ’s. I told B that I’d help him out before they open tonight.”
    “If you see Kitty, grab her ass for me,” he called while grabbing the air.
    “I don’t think so. That girl’s got issues, and I don’t want to get involved with them.”
    “I said grab her ass, not play psychologist,” Reece replied.
    “I’m not going within an arm’s length of her. I got bruises, blue balls, and I’d really like to keep my face from getting smacked. So, I’m not going anywhere near that feral kitty.”
    Turning from their stunned faces, because I had never let a woman get to me like that, I left.

    CHAPTER 13
    So there was one good thing about not getting the job at J&K--sleeping in. Rolling over, I glanced at the clock, feeling well rested. That was the first night I had slept that soundly since I started my internship. The alcohol might have had something to do with the sound slumber I had just enjoyed.
    I had totally missed the whole morning-- Guess there’s no point in making breakfast. Glancing at the small kitchen, I headed straight for the refrigerator. Nothing. There wasn’t even ketchup, just vitamin water and OJ. How was my father surviving off of vitamin water and OJ? Then it hit me, the kitchen in the back of the bar. Slipping on my flip flops, I headed down stairs in a tight tank top, and my comfy flannel PJ pants that hung low on my hips, making them extra comfy. Another perk of not working at J&K, comfy clothes, all day!
    I walked into the back kitchen to find my father prepping food for the night. Even though it was a bar, my father offered some really good bar food.
    “Hey, Dad,” I said as I walked around to the prep station.
    He was cutting potatoes into fries, a hug tub of already cut potatoes sat at on the floor next to the table. “Hey, sleepyhead. You hungry?” he asked.
    “Starving,” I replied.
    Dropping what he was doing, he went to the huge industrial fridge and pulled out lunchmeat and cheese. Taking a loaf of bread off the shelf, he walked back to the prep station and proceeded to make me a sandwich. It was the best sandwich I had ever had. The moment he put it in front of me, I quickly scarfed it down.
    I sat back on the stool and held my delightfully full stomach. “That was so good, Dad, thank you,”
    “How are you doing, honey? You like your room? Are you finding everything you need?” he asked with a twinge of nervousness to his voice.
    I knew my father wanted me to be happy, and he really wanted to make me stay. I was finding it hard to tell him I wasn’t planning

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