Maid for Hire & Educating Australia

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Book: Maid for Hire & Educating Australia by Capri Montgomery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Capri Montgomery
seat. "I thought you were gone already."
    "I saw you walking alone and figured I'd make sure you were safe. Why don't they walk you to your car?"
    "Because obviously they realize I can walk myself. Listen," she shut the door. "I do this all the time..."
    "And had I been somebody out to hurt you I could have."
    "That's why you're teaching me how to fight." She couldn't live her life in fear, and the guys weren't always going to be there to walk her to her car.
    He blew out an exasperated breath. "At least get somebody to walk you to your car next time. You're carrying a lot of gear..."
    "It's practically on rollers," she said. "Like a big suitcase and a couple carry on pieces."
    "Still," he looked annoyed. "Be smarter. Let somebody walk you to your car."
    "Did you just call me stupid?"
    "No," he calmed his voice. "God, you are the most exasperating woman."
    "I think God is a woman too. But I don't think she'd be happy with you calling her exasperating."
    "I was talking about you." His eyebrows lowered as he folded his arms across his chest.
    "Oh. My name is Australia, not God." She enunciated. He shook his head.
    "I can't believe I'm...never mind." He shook his head again. "Just get in the car."
    She laughed. "I'll see you next week." She got in her car and drove off. He was just too much fun to converse with. She wished she could do it more often. Even on class nights she didn't get a chance to really talk with him. Occasionally they crossed paths in the hall and had an exchange or two, but during class he was purely professional. Until last night she assumed Kyle had a girlfriend, but Steve had said Kyle was single. Single was good, very good. Of course he hadn't exactly given her any indication he was interested on that level. She was sure he was the type of man who would speak up if he were. Then again, she was usually the type of woman to speak up if she was and so far, she hadn't. Inviting him to tonight's show was her first step, albeit a slow step since she had technically invited the whole clan. Three years out of commission had not been good for her game. She had skills, she just had to remember how to use them and ask the man out on a date already.
    Tonight was prime opportunity and she had let it pass by. At the dojo he was all business, but tonight he was out of the environment. She should have taken the chance, but she didn't. She wasn't sure she would get the chance again. She promised herself next time she would be ready to seize the moment.
    "A little less pep talk," she mumbled. "A lot more action."

Chapter Two

    A ustralia had waited all week for one moment alone with Kyle. She was going to do it; she was going to ask him out on a date. He could either say yes or no, but at least she would know and maybe then her music writing could go back to normal. She liked slow songs, but lately all her work had been about being in love. "After class,” she mumbled to herself.
    "What was that?" Grace pushed her locker closed. Her red hair fell against her shoulders until she scooped it back into a ponytail.
    "Time for class," she said. "I was just trying to get you moving." That wasn’t entirely accurate, but she did want to be on time and they did only have a few minutes. They had just rounded the corner when Tony stepped out and blocked their way.
    "Excuse us," Australia tried to side step him, but he blocked her. She moved again had he moved again.
    Grace slipped through the tiny space allotted and ran down the hall. "Sensei Donovan!" She heard Grace yell. At least she would have help, but until then she needed to help herself.
    She predicted the best mode of attack. The groin would be effective, but he would anticipate that. Ears would work, but she wasn’t looking to kill him. She remembered Kyle saying hitting the ears with open hands could burst the eardrums and kill an attacker. She calmed her nerves by breathing slowly. She would use it only if she needed to.
    "Get out of my way." This time her tone was more

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