Magick Rising
degrees of dismemberment and
    injury. She’d never seen more than one or two laid out.
    Hadrian’s hand on her back kept her from retreating. Plus Kelly had
    sounded weird.
    The M.E. glanced up from studying something under a microscope and
    frowned. “Who’s that?”
    “Kelly, Hadrian. Hadrian, Kelly.” She drew him forward. “He was with
    me when you called. He’s okay.”
    “Not for this, he isn’t.”
    “Uh, yeah, Kel, he is. He knows more about that acidic ash tumor thing

    than either of us do.”
    Kelly seemed about to question him, but Miko shook her head. “Don’t
    Hadrian paced along the foot of the carts, studying each one.
    The M.E. shrugged and pulled Miko to the first body. Rather the
    collection of body parts. “This is what I wanted you to see.”
    Miko was actively trying not to see, but she obediently looked at the
    jigsaw puzzle parts with the decapitated head. Ewww . “What am I supposed
    to see?”
    “No ash-filled organ. No characteristic wound from the abdomen into
    the heart.” Kelly turned to the second body. “Same thing here.”
    “They’re human?”
    “Yes, but I can’t say the same for two of them.” Kelly shot her a
    puzzled look. “Why’d you ask if they’re human? What else would they be?”
    Miko cast a glance at Hadrian across the room. “Later.”
    Kelly gave Hadrian a wide berth. “If you want to talk about not human,
    these two are it. They have the Butcher’s trademark wound tracks, as well as
    those acidic organs. Everything else is where no M.E. has gone before.”
    She gestured to Apophis and Malphas, detailing the feathers and
    snakeskin and everything Miko had already seen. Plus more than she cared
    to see.
    Motioning Hadrian to lean down, Miko whispered, “Are these all
    “These two, but not the others. However, they have demon scent on
    them from the attacks. Appoloin is sending me a message: This is what I will
    “They can do that much damage to a lot of people at once?” She leaned
    into him, felt his heart beating slow and steady.
    Kelly finished up with an all-over shiver. “No one who hasn’t seen
    them will believe me. Maybe not then.”
    “I think it only matters that we believe,” Miko said. “You’ll have to trust
    me. The police can’t handle this.”
    “The police can’t . . . ?” Kelly met her level gaze then looked hard at the
    two demons that Hadrian had dispatched. Exhaling sharply, she nodded.
    “Okay. We’re in this together.”
    She walked to the head of the last body. Unlike the others that were
    partially draped, this one was completely covered. “I’m sorry, Miko. Really
    An origami bird made from a dollar bill lay on top of the body’s clothes,
    neatly folded at its feet. A large chocolate chunk cookie rested below it.
    No . Miko shook her head. No .
    “I’m sorry, but it’s Bert. You don’t have to look. He’s already been
    positively identified.”
    Hand trembling, Miko pulled down the sheet to reveal his grizzled face.

    His hair fell over his forehead, and she brushed it back. “Oh, Bert.”
    Hadrian pulled her against his side, offering comfort and warmth. “A
    “A good friend.” Dried blood crusted his fingernails, and defensive
    wounds covered his forearms. She brushed his hair back one last time then
    firmed her lips. Bert had fought. Now it was time for her to do the same.
    She waited until she and Hadrian were outside where the reflection of
    trashcan fires lit the low-hanging clouds. The scent she now associated with
    demons streamed up from the river, overwhelming all others.
    “How do we fight them?”

Chapter Eight
    MIKO FELL ASLEEP on Hadrian’s sofa after hours of argument about
    her joining him in the imminent battle with Appoloin. She’d run out of
    words and finally ended curled against him, falling uneasily asleep. He
    imagined she fought demons or nightmares of them.
    Closing his eyes, he sighed. For years he had no comrade in

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