Made to Love

Read Online Made to Love by Heidi Medina - Free Book Online

Book: Made to Love by Heidi Medina Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heidi Medina
    I briefly relayed my run-ins with Nathan,
both of them.  Of course, I left out the entire throw me on the floor and take
me now parts.  “So, see?  We’ve only spoken twice.  It’s not like the subject
of who his father is has come up.”
    “Well, I’ll tell you one thing.  Daddy’s boy
has got it for you.  Bad.”  Brooke stared off toward the neighboring golf
course where somewhere, Nathan and his father were playing.
    “No, he does not.  We just met.  Besides,
he’s Roger Preston’s son,” I argued.
    “What difference does that make?” Brooke
scoffed as she drained the rest of her glass. 
    “A lot.  I just moved here, this is a new
job, and I don’t want to get rumors started.  I need to succeed at this job on
my own,” I explained. 
    “Okay, I get that.  And yes, if this goes
anywhere, you’ll need to be discreet for obvious reasons.  But let me give you
a little bit of advice.  Life is too short, and you only live it once.  And if
Mr. Nathan Preston comes sniffing around your door, as a free, single woman you
are entitled to let him in.  And to enjoy it!” Brooke winked at me.
    “Yes, but—“
                    “Brooke, I thought that was you.” A voice
drawled from behind us, and soon a tall woman came into view.  Brooke stood,
smoothing down her dress as the women embraced her with a hug quick hug. “Mrs.
Preston, how are you?” Brooke asked.
    Crap.  This must be Nathan’s mom.  I set down
my glass and wiped my hands on my thigh.
    “Just lovely dear.  I’m so glad you could
come on such short notice.  And who is your friend?” Mrs.  Preston turned to me
and I stood and held out my hand. 
    Was it just me or was she slurring her
    “Reagan Andrews.  Brooke and I are
roommates.  Thank you for inviting us.”
    “Please, call me Katherine,” she replied. 
Her eyes were red rimmed, as if she’d been crying. 
    We stood there for a moment in awkward
silence, until Katherine gave a short laugh.  “Well.  It was nice to meet you
and Brooke, always a pleasure.”
    She laughed again--over what, I couldn’t tell--then
whirled around and headed to the bar, leaving a suspicious scent of alcohol in
her wake.  Brooke and I stared after her.
    That was weird. 
    “She seems nice,” I murmured.  The fact that
she also appeared to be rather drunk at barely past lunchtime was the gigantic
elephant in the room, or backyard, as it were, but I wasn’t going to be the
first to comment on it.
                    “She is.  She and Mr. Preston have been good
to me over the last couple years.”  Brooke’s voice trailed off, as if she
wanted to say more, but didn’t.
    Okay, so we were going to ignore the
    “So, have you known Nathan long, then?”  I
hoped to God I sounded at least semi-uninterested.
    Brooke flashed me a knowing grin, letting me
know I had failed.  “From what I hear, Nathan has always been a bit of a wild
card.  He just became involved in the family business a few years back, after—“Brooke
paused, and cleared her throat.  “Well, he lived in Boston until about six
months ago, which is when I really got to actually know him.  He ran the Boston
office, but Rog—Mr. Preston needed him here.”
    She tugged my arm toward a table heavily
laden with hors d’oeuvres.   “Come on.  Let’s eat.  I swear these crab cakes
have been calling my name since I arrived!”

    I took my last shot, thankful that the game
had come to a close.
    The sun had begun to set, and I was feeling
agitated.  The day was practically gone, and I was no further along in my plans
due to my father’s demand that I be the fourth man on his team.  I hated golf,
but it was something I was very good at.  And Dad liked to win.  The fact that
he was the host of this party, and therefore should graciously allow someone
else a victory, would never occur to him.
    So it was that I found myself hastily throwing

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