Lynn Wood - Norman Brides 03

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Book: Lynn Wood - Norman Brides 03 by The Promise Keeper Read Free Book Online
Authors: The Promise Keeper
returning to look for her. 
    Elena turned tearful, terrified eyes in Michel’s direction.  “You won’t let them take me, will you?”
    Her fear was his undoing. Both cursing the restlessness that drove him out of the camp to scout the surrounding area that morning, and the dying king’s premonition he would be unable to turn his back on his defenseless niece, Michel reached out and grabbed his soon-to-be ward’s small hand and began pulling her behind him to where the horses waited at a break in the trees. 
    A brilliant smile bloomed on his companion’s lovely young face when Michel led her to where Arden grazed.  She stood quite willingly in his grasp as he lifted her up and settled her on Arden’s back, then mounted behind her, wrapping one arm loosely around her slender form to keep her from falling. The fact she did not pester him with questions as to where he was taking her forced him to acknowledge Elena concluded accompanying a stranger to an unknown destination was preferable to the one she feared Raulf would lead her to. 
    The realization brought home to Michel just how much Elena feared the mysterious Baron Raulf.  Michel decided he would have to do something about the baron.  He could not have one of his nobleman kidnapping young ladies from their beds.  His mood lightened in anticipation of doing so.  The coming war for control of Calei would no doubt provide him with ample opportunity to carve the traitorous baron’s heart from his chest.
    Though Elena maintained her wary silence, he could feel her tension in the way she held herself stiffly in the saddle in front of him, as if not entirely certain the direction he would take would be away from the men who sought her.  It wasn’t until he turned Arden in the opposite direction, back towards the cover of the trees, that he heard Elena’s relieved sigh and felt her relax against him. As Arden’s swift and sure gait increased the distance between them and her would-be pursuers, Elena turned into his arms, wrapped her own around his waist and rested her head against his chest in a gesture of innocent faith he found unnerving.  Within moments, she was sound asleep. 
    Sighing with annoyance at the way his body was reacting to having her softness cuddled close against him, and reminding himself the maid was little more than the child he had at first assumed she was, he adjusted his cloak more closely around her back to protect her from the cold, and then directed Arden back to the camp where his men awaited their return.
    Dawn was giving way to early morning when they rode into camp. Barnabas’ precious treasure slept blissfully in the warmth of Michel’s arms until the sudden halt to the rocking motion of Arden’s even steps woke her.  Elena could not suppress her gasp of surprise when she took in the number of men and horses in their midst.  Their tents covered half the mountain. Michel raised an inquiring brow when she stared up at him with wide, curious eyes, but she only shook her head in response, obviously concluding it was best for her chances to remain among them if she refrained from giving voice to the questions he could see swirling in her gaze.
    His squire hurried to take charge of Arden, and Michel waited while Amele dismounted, then helped Elena to find her feet.  Michel dropped down beside her and motioned for one of his men to join them.  “Take care of our guest.  I imagine she would appreciate breakfast.”  Elena raised fearful eyes to his when she realized he meant to leave her.  “It’s all right. You’re safe here.  No one will hurt you.”
    Nodding uncertainly, she allowed the soldier to lead her away from his side, but Michel noticed she kept glancing back over her shoulder in his direction as if to assure herself he wasn’t going to disappear on her. Sensing her anxiety, Michel sent an encouraging nod in her direction, and then he and Amele set off together across the camp towards his tent.
    While the two

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