Lust (The Stripped Bare Series Book 1)

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Book: Lust (The Stripped Bare Series Book 1) by Elle McKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle McKenzie
little love struck puppy. Guilt overwhelms me. I need to tell him that I have no interest in dating him, or anyone. Which is actually a lie, because if Max did show an interest I wouldn’t be able to resist. I don’t know why, but the attraction is just too strong.
    We make it to the club. Dexter goes off to have a shower and get changed before his shift and I head to the dressing room to get changed before mine. I make my way out to the bar just as Piper is starting her performance. I’m apprehensive about watching her, but I’m also intrigued.
    ‘ Close r ’ by Nine Inch Nails starts to pound out of the sound system as Piper walks along the stage dressed in a pink robe. Her hair is tied back in a high ponytail, and she’s wearing at least an eight-inch heel. I listen to the reaction of the crowd as she gets closer to the front of the stage, the men love her and I can see why. The sexual tension in the air is palpable.
    She stops in front of her audience and bends over, looking over her shoulder seductively, I’m captivated by every move she makes. She slowly takes the robe off one shoulder and then pulls it back up, covering herself. She turns around and does the same on the other side. She then sits on the edge of the stage, dangling her feet off the side. Leaning back on her arms, she throws open the gown, whistles resonate throughout the crowd and I witness at least ten men throwing money onto the stage. She stands up and makes her way to the pole, in nothing but a tiny pink bikini that barely covers her nipples and pubic area. I want to look away. I don’t want to see the girl that I’ve known since we were kids practically naked, but I just can’t look away, she’s bewitching. My eye catches on Max stood at the side of the stage, he smiles and I get a tingling down below. I beam back, just as Piper prepares to work the pole.
    “When do you start your training? Dex asks from behind me. I turn to face him. He kisses me on the cheek and it throws me slightly. I wasn’t expecting it. I take a quick glance behind me to see if Max has seen, but h e’ s disappeared.
    “Tomorrow actually. I’m nervous. Piper is really good, I don’t think I could ever do that.” I go to make my way back to the bar; I’ve spent too long watching the performance instead of doing what I’m paid to do. I need to set the record straight with Dexter. I don’t want to hurt him but the longer he thinks that something will happen between us, the worse it will be.
    “You’ll be just fine,” he says, following me.
    “Hey, Dex, can I talk to you after my shift?” I need to get this over with, but not right now.
    “Yeah, sure. I’ll wait for you when you finish.” He smiles and bounces off in the direction of the door.

    I don’t see Max again for the rest of the night; Piper said he took off early for some reason. She told me that she’d talked to him about why he has been off with me, explaining that he has some family issues. It’s good to know that it’s not me that he has the problem with. The night goes smoothly and quickly. Panic washes over me when I realise it will soon be time to finish and I’ll have to set Dexter straight. I exit the changing room to find him leaning against the wall, the exact spot where Max waited for me when I first started. He smiles the biggest beaming smile at me when he sees me exit, and I can’t help but feel sick and ashamed about what I’m about to do. Maybe I should just go on a date with him? I mean, would it really hurt to see if I could have feelings for him? I shake my head, I can’t do that to him, I can’t lead him on and then let him down later. Throwing my coat around my shoulders, Dexter helps me slip my arms into it, he’s being a gentleman and it makes me feel even worse about what I’m about to do.
    “Where do you want to go?” he asks. I realise that maybe he thinks I want to go on a date with him now?
    “Um,” I stutter. I was just thinking he

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